User talk:The Necrobot

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Revision as of 21:11, 11 July 2008 by Xahn Borealis (talk | contribs)
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Any sort of discussion goes here. Timestamp everything, use headers and bold stuff as you deam fit, and the like. Do not mess with anything under any other header. Thanks.

  • This is an excellent example of roleplay in Urban Dead. I love the technophile aspect of it--seeing 'interior relations' of NecroTech is really cool. If the Necrobot is ever in Havercroft, have it stop by the Axworthy Hotel. I'd like to meet and interact with it. Chris Retnam 18:59, 21 June 2007 (BST)

  • Congrats on your stuff. Good read. Your proposal was received and an NecroTech employee has been assigned to this task. I might add something about it on NecroTech Corp. R&D in the near future. But feel free to edit the news section yourself if you find time to do this. Buddy Joe 10:59, 8 November 2007 (UTC)


good writting, had me reading for a good hour or so- it was like i found my sisters diary but better,more death and such

Keep it up,whoever u are-Bring back the project

So, is the NecroBot actually running a program, or is it player controlled?

...Kaysakado 20:17, 1 December 2007 (UTC)


I like this, I like this a lot.... I would like to see this NecroBot....maybe i'll run into it someday, it would go great with my own roleplay here --Kasei 05:20, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

Good story

I recently encountered someone called the Necrobot Mark 2 in Whitlock. I lied to it. :D Are you starting again?--Xahn Borealis 22:11, 11 July 2008 (BST)