Flowers of Disease/TZH

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The Mark: TZH and their sympathizers for the crime of being irredeemable flotsam.

TZH Campaign Start: June 17/08

TZH Campaign End: July 30/08

Bonus Mall Squatter Strike: August 03/08

Carcasses thrown on the Pyre

  1. Darkwolfen...down in a hole
  2. A Puke Covered Bum now a blood covered bum.
  3. dont shoot im stoned, this blunts for you!
  4. Rob Lefter, TZH sympathizer
  5. Dhave Grohl tossed in a pine box
  6. tenamautomatic shlacked like a sea side outhouse on the 4th of july
  7. Chris Cro pulped by Puki
  8. Dhave Grohl again. This time for playing music that sucks.
  9. Headlessagnew ground to dust
  10. Alexander Karelin beaten like a red headed stepchild
  11. Cyrano, the dead body Ventura
  12. FC3 Mais has a stupid name
  13. Don't shoot, I'm stoned (picture missing but we believe you Rob!)
  14. junkie512, TZH sympathizer
  15. Dhavid Grohl, the offical lapdog of the FOD, 3rd times the charm
  16. BuffaloSabres tip toes through the tulips
  17. Junkie512
  18. Dhavid Grohl fed a milkbone
  19. Chris Cro
  20. Bobby Kennedy
  21. Dargoff
  22. Jayne M Cobb
  23. Rob Lefter, TZH Sympathizer
  24. Junkie512, TZH Sympathizer
  25. Class was dismissed for profFransworth
  26. Junkie512, get off those drugs!
  27. Chris Cro will make you jump!
  28. HeadlessAgnew
  29. BuffaloSabres
  30. dont shoot im stoned
  31. Bone saw
  32. Oh's Chris Cro
  33. Superdot
  34. Rob somebody again. Crime doesn't pay.
  35. Chooper
  36. Alexander Karelin
  37. Dargoff
  38. A nobody
  39. More Flotsam
  40. BuckNaked Jihad
  41. Chooper
  42. It wasn't in the cards...
  43. Phoenix Felor
  44. Chris Cro
  45. ...And when the Darkness comes between the Earth and Skies above.
  46. Superdot
  47. Bucknaked Jihad for Funks sake!
  48. Scooty Puff Sr
  49. The Flight of the Phoenix just crashed.
  50. Cyrus McBaine
  51. Junkie512
  52. Ahce of Sphades
  53. Horny Polar Bear, TZH sympathizer.
  54. Lurchy McGee
  55. Dargoff
  56. BuckNaked Jihad For Funks sake...again!
  57. Horny Polar Bear, TZH Sympathizer
  58. Dinky's Best, TZH sympathizer. Suspected zerg alt.
  59. The Duke has his cage rattled!
  60. Shirly Logan
  61. Junkie512 picked the wrong day to quit heroin
  62. Junkie 512 picked the wrong day to quit drinking
  63. 'dont shoot im stoned' picked the wrong day to give up the bud
  64. Dhavid Grohl shot for his love of the Foo Fighters
  65. Suspected TZH zerg alt squashed
  66. Shhhh Shhh Shh Shirley Logan, shhhhe don't love me anymore
  67. Jason Fitch
  68. SlegthVonDraco
  69. Duke Cage says "please sir can I have some more?"
  70. Chris Cro picked the wrong day to quit crack
  71. Times up for 'Jack Hour'
  72. FAKbotBETA
  73. Puke Cage
  74. NivlacTheGun, TZH sympathizer
  75. Non-Descript Flotsam
  76. Big Wheel keeps on turning...proud Mary keep on burning...TZH Sympathizer
  77. The chemicals between us...
  78. Nivlac The Gun...TZH sympathizer
  79. Cyrano 'the dead body' Ventura
  80. Non Descript Flotsam
  81. Flotsam A
  82. Flotsam B
  83. Horny Polar Bear, TZH zerg alt
  84. Flotsam C
  85. Flotsam D
  86. ToughGuyBigWheel, TZH sympathizer
  87. Flotsam E
  88. Flotsam F
  89. Flotsam G
  90. Flotsam H
  91. Flotsam I
  92. Flotsam J
  93. Flotsam K
  94. Flotsam L
  95. Flotsam M
  96. Flotsam N
  97. Flotsam O
  98. Flotsam P
  99. Flotsam Q
  100. Flotsam R

August 03/08

  • The FoD moved out of the Blyvilles today and now are heading towards their next target. Before leaving, however, they had some harsh words for some Marven Mall squatters who were punished for allowing TZH to use mall facilities:
  1. BuggsK100RS
  2. Joe Rocket
  3. Bullets and Brains
  4. a giant Black Widow
  5. Drake Remington
  6. pockypmp
  7. Doctor Success
  8. Lance Arthur
  9. Costeletas

July 30/08

  • At last, the work has come to an end. With 100 corpses, the bell has rung and the FoD can rest. Official closeout to come shortly.

July 25/08

  • TZH continues to unleash zerg alts to do their bidding. There is no limit to how low these one pump chumps will go. Not that it has helped much. They continue to go down like buck toothed groupies at a Lynard Skynard concert.

July 18/08

  • The work goes on as the FOD continue their quest to punish the flotsam that has burdened the Blyvilles. Cyrano Ventura is tossed into the stinking heap of TZH inhumanity along with a TZH Sympathizer, NivlacTheGun. This one is a so called former member of TZH whose actions have shown he is still just another flotsam TZH member who happens to wear a different tag.

July 13/08

  • On and on it goes, when it stops, only the FOD knows...

July 09/08

  • The rat and fly population continues to swell around the ever increasing TZH garbage heap.

July 07/08

  • It is a good day indeed as TZH self deluded windbag, Duke Cage met his end.
  • In a bizarre spectacle, cruel TZH member Alexander Karelin cornered poor Puki and poured gasoline on him. Before Puki could react, he was set ablaze by a flare gun. Grievously wounded, Dhave Grohl came by and kicked him while he was down.
  • TZH sympathizer Junkie512 was smashed to biscuits, not once but twice today. Hibernaculum considers the merits of a protection order for him as he has truly been kicked around enough.

July 05/08

  • The summer heat intensifies and with it, so does the lame efforts of TZH, who by now must have set some sort of record for futility. The bodycount continues to climb. One or two FOD have been hit in counter fire but overall, a piss pot poor showing by TZH who have eaten so much ass handed to them on platters, they now think it's fillet mignon. Shame TZH, shame!

July 02/08

  • Conspiracies, subterfuge, whodunits? Paul Wisby grew tired of the nonsense. When in doubt, Shoot! And so was the fate of Junkie512.

July 01/08

  • Bucknaked Jihad, Scooty Puff Sr and Phoenix Felor got to close together and their collective TZH awesomeness was too much for them to bear.
  • Cyrus McBaine slain! Can YOUUUUU dig it?

June 30/08

  • New day. Same old Flotsam. Tenamautomatic went out to get the morning paper and found Puki waiting for him instead. Superdot went for a family picnic which was crashed by Darlocke.

June 29/08

  • The best part of waking up is a Chris Cro in your cup.

June 28/08

  • Bucknaked Jihad and Chooper put on the cerements of the grave.
  • Two more floating piles of Flotsam turned up on the beach tonight. Deceased are Ahce of Sphades and Phoenix Felor.

June 27/08

  • Dargoff shot while having his morning tea. *Fart*.
  • Oh Robby boy, the pipes...the pipes are calling...
  • Tenamautomatic, his cat litter does not clump...Tenamautomatic zzzzzzzzzzz....blah......zzzzz

June 26/08

  • Another day. Another dollar. The criminal, Superdot was sent to the void, his ticket punched by Dog Burger.
  • Everyone's favorite TZH Sympathizer, Rob Lefter held accountable once more.
  • The rage finally boiled over for TZH's Duke Cage who shot Hibernaculum full of holes.
  • TZH plebs, Chooper and Alexander Karenlin both made to kiss farm animals...and to Hibernaculum's suprise, they liked it.

June 25/08

  • The wagon rolled around again and the bodies of BuffaloSabres and dont shoot im stoned were tossed onto it.
  • The gravedigger feels the arthritis coming as he puts Bone Saw into the ground.
  • Chris Cro, Chris Cro, we'll get ye wherever yer go...

June 24/08

  • FOD favorite, Chris Cro thought his luck would be better in mornington. Paul Wisby had other ideas.
  • HeadlessAgnew had the screws put to him by Hibernaculum.

June 23/08

  • Paul Wisby shot two TZH into the barrel earlier today. Bobby Kennedy and Dargoff were the unfortunate victims. In a going away gift before he departs for a well deserved holiday, Rob Collick smashed Jayne M. Cobb to biscuits.
  • TZH Sympathizers, Junkie512 and Rob Lefter both banged to rights by Darlocke.
  • ProfFransworth was given a failing grade by Aesir Motz.
  • Junkie512's writes a cheque he couldn't cash with some cryptic messages and an assault on Darlocke. Unable to finish the job, he fled into the street where he promptly AP'd out. For the second time today, Darlocke had to clean up the mess.

June 22/08

  • It is a new day. The crickets chirp. The birds sing. And Team Zombie Hardocore has been reduced to hiding in darkened rooms in a vain effort to protect themselves from the continued FOD onslaught. But there will be no escape. There can be no hiding.
  • Known TZH sympathizer, junkie512 was slain old school today.
  • TZH self deluded windbag, Dhavid Grohl brought to justice again today. Also added to the pyre, Chris Cro.

June 21/08

  • A known TZH Sympathizer, junkie512, was brought to justice today. Wilting under FOD pressure, TZH has 'gone to mattresses' but the FOD can hear their knees knocking and they will be brought to account for their despicable actions.
  • Puki dragged the blubbering Dhavid Grohl into the street and beat him like a government mule. Not satisfied, he turned his attentions to a cowering BuffaloSabres and sent him to see the ferryman as well.

June 20/08

  • The victim identified last night was Headlessagnew. Also, early this morning, Alexander Karelin's corpse was found floating in Lake Malton. TZH continues to be smashed into the dust. It seems the hype around this outfit is more due to their colorful use of the English language than any kind of skill or coordination.
  • 2 more Team Zombie Hardcore meatheads brought to justice. Cyrano De Ventura and FC3 Mais both take a dirt nap. As a bonus, Aesir Motz left a little present in the pocket of FC3 Mais to give to the FOD's dedicated lap dog, Dhavid Grohl.

June 19/08

  • 2 more TZH scumbags brought to justice today. The evil Dave Ghrohl and his twisted groupie, tenamautomatic both banged to rights.
  • Chris Cro thought he could hide by removing the vile TZH tag from his profile. But cruel Puki sees all.
  • No sooner did Dhave Grohl stumble back to his feet than he was knocked back down, courtesy of the infamous Aesir Motz.
  • Reports have surfaced that another TZH member met a grisly end tonight. More details as they are made available.

June 18/08

  • TZH sympathizer Rob Lefter is smashed to biscuits by Dog Burger.

June 17/08

  • The first three TZH victims are strung up from Malton Lamposts. The group seems to be scattered. Here kitty kitty...