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A doctor currently in Houldenbank - Richard General Hospital If you need a heal, come by and be healed! (if the barricade isnt too tough)

23rd, August - Houldenbank

Richard General Hospital

It seems like forever. I have been in this accursed hospital for several days, and I am growing wearing of staying in here. Everyday, I search a bit of the hospital, finding nothing except for useless newspapers and the occaisional First Aid Kit. Things in Houldenbank used to be so friendly before the outbreak. Now, the only thing that permeates is death and suffering. At least in Houldenbank, I think it is good that it is Green Zone. It scares me that the neighbouring sectors of the city are not doing so well, especially Dentonside. Speaking of Dentonside, I also took some time to visit Dentonside today, since the barricade in the hospital was relaxed a bit. Everywhere seems barricaded extremely heavily, and I saw four zombies grouped up in Burges Towers. It doesn't look too safe to continue, so I retreated to back the hospital. At least I got some fresh air (sorta)