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Kazeindel is really a dragon of wind polymorphed into human form. She traveled to Malton to help with the zombie outbreak, taking on the role as healer as a doctor. She looks in her early twenties in her human disguise, working actively in the group Human Look Alikes, all whom are not entirely what they seem either. In her true form she would be of black and white scales, the white only on top of the wings, for the rest of her body, except that of her underbelly, which is also white, is black. As human she has long, red hair that flows about in the wind. Her white doctor's robe rippling gently about her form, her blue eyes seemed to be filled with sadness more than anything else. She is seen writing letters in her spare time. How they get out of Malton, who knows. But somehow they do. If you watch closely, the letter suddenly dissapears as if in a wind. dispersing into air.

Kazeindel spends much of her free time looking out windows, at least, those not covered in boards. She is occasionally seen staring into the light of the candle, the flames dancing idly in front of her, as if..She could see things within the flames themselves. Other times she's seen standing with her eyes closed, enjoying the breeze.. And she never seems to mind the snow... Occasionally a little girl is seen with her, tugging on her sleeves and such.. The little seven year old is her daugher, Kinyana. Her uncle, Kazeindel's brother, Roy Edugawa, who also fights against the horde of Zombies in Malton.. If Kazeindel was not there to help..Then he would at least to be there to protect her child at all costs..

Kazeindel's main concern is keeping herself, her daughter, and her brother alive at all costs, along with healing and reviving others, bringing them back from the dead. Recently she's been wandering around Peppardvill, helping the injured there while loading up on bullets to kill the zombies beyond help; the ones with brain rot, or to defend herself from the humans that have seem to gone mad, killing others in a rampage like that of the dead themselves. She usually keeps at a minimum 1-2 syringes at a time, if not more, along with a few first aid kits. She rarely denies a call for help; only if she is in too peril of danger or if there is a bigger factor to act upon. Otherwise, she tries to help all she can

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