
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 01:25, 21 September 2008 by Whitehouse (talk | contribs)
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Looking for a group to join? Have a group seeking members?

This page is open to adverts by groups currently recruiting new members in Malton and Monroeville.
Note: Monroeville Recruitment adverts have their own section, at the end of this page.

Format for Posting Adverts

Group adverts are to follow a very specific format. Your advert code should look like this:

===[[Group Name]] : Type=== - Type is optional but will help readers.
{{:Group Name/recruit}}
time stamp (~~~~~) or timed signature (~~~~) - Optional if otherwise displayed.

  • "Group Name/recruit" is a normal wiki page that contains the content of your advert - do not put any header on this page. Using the curly brackets and colon inserts your advert page's entire contents onto this page, just as if it were a template. "Type" is the type of group- survivor, zombie, Pker, organization, whatever you wish.
  • You MUST put the following categories on your "Group Name/recruit" page:
<noinclude>[[Category:Group Subpages]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:"Insert Group Name Here"]]</noinclude> if your group has a category of its own.
  • Additionally you should add
<noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude> (TYPE is generally one of the following: Survivor Group, Zombie Group, PKer Group, Mixed Group, or Organization).
  • Place your group (or coalition) advert in alphabetical order by group name. Adverts not posted in the proper alphabetical order will be moved.
  • You will not post anything on this page except the header, the template and a timestamp (all content is on your own adverts page).
  • Large Groups with significant subgroups are limited to one ad.
  • The ad must have a timestamp (five tildes - ~~~~~) or a signature with an attached timestamp. This is to be placed on this page as part of your ads template.
  • After two weeks as measured from the timestamp the entire advert may be removed for inactivity / non-compliance. It is the group’s responsibility to update the timestamp (which may be done at any time) to avoid having the advertisement deleted.
  • Advert pages which do not adhere to the above guidelines will be commented out using <!-- / --> tags. A dated comment will be left in the edited section explaining why the advert page was dis-included; if the advert is not fixed within two weeks, the entire section will be removed.

Format for Advert Content

  • A description of the group, maximum 200 words (no subheaders).
  • Images are limited to a total of 76,000 pixels, which allows 275 pixels square, or a similar area (multiple images that total under this size are allowed).
  • It is important to make sure that your ads formatting does not "break the page". Please check the page for potential "breaks".
  • Ads may not be larger than what a browser can handle at low resolution. The ad may not be wider or higher than 600 pixels (this includes images), use auto sizing to make the ad function optimally at most resolutions.
  • If you use utility templates or other templates for formatting or as part of your advert, use the subst template modifier on your advert page to ensure that any templates you use are replaced with plain code.


The Recruitment/Alerts page will occasionally be updated with information of interest and importance to those who have posted adverts. Users who maintain adverts may wish to watchlist this page.

Helpful Guidelines for Advert Content

Clearly written adverts which contain requirements for membership at the start or in bold, as well as a method of contact and reasons for joining your group, normally get the most response. Remember, this advert represents your group. The easier it is to read and understand, the better. Attractive formatting and helpful links will also attract prospective members. If your group is active in a specific area or areas, it is a good idea to provide this information - not all people are willing to travel.