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OMG Katthew, everybody loves amateur poetry. Especially amateur poetry about dark things, like zombies and looting and livejournal. How could you take it down?--Milo 05:20, 12 Sep 2005 (BST)

If by "love" you mean "hate", then yes, we do "love" amateur zombie poetry.:P --LibrarianBrent 06:36, 12 Sep 2005 (BST)

I'll make up a nice, amateur poem, just for you, Brent: The pain flows thru mi soul/ like a thousand wormeaten brains/ teh zombies cut themselfs/ to see if they still feels pains/ (I think Katthew's comment summed it up: we really, really don't need this.)--Milo 08:16, 12 Sep 2005 (BST)

Ah, see, this is why I love wikis. I wasn't sure exactly how to set this all up, but tried anyways... Thanks a ton for fixing it up. Also, I do have to agree that the amateur poetry thing was a bit of a bad idea... I was half asleep when I made it, you see. XD --Linktoreality 02:15, 13 Sep 2005 (BST)

Don't sweat it :) I suppose people can still put their amateur poetry (about zombies contemplating suicide because they ran out of black lipstick) on the talk page. Some links, found by google Hollow Men (Eliot) If (Kipling) Heraclitus (Cory) Holy Sonnet Number Whatever (Donne) Hymn to Prosperpine(Swiburne) Night-Music (Larkin). Those should be pop-up free. Props to whoever found the Douglas poem, I couldn't find it with google.--Milo 04:38, 13 Sep 2005 (BST)

Ah, that was me. Here, The site is actually about some church, but it mentions the author of the poem, "And Keith Douglas, knowing it and having thus arranged his life's work..." You just gotta look around a bit, neh? --LtR 05:00, 13 Sep 2005 (BST)

Please, Apathizer, all this information was obtained over nearly a month, by multiple users. It's a tad rude to claim all the work as your own. --LtR 03:35, 6 Oct 2005 (BST)

Sorry about that. I just did a straight copy of data from a word document i'd made for some friends and didn't proofread before submitting.

Ah, alright, then. No hard feelings. --LtR 20:09, 29 Oct 2005 (BST)

This poetry is nice and all, but it lacks an Urban Dead feel. For some zombie ryhmes, check my profile. Steel Reserve 18:31, 14 October 2008 (BST)