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Revision as of 03:15, 9 November 2008 by Twilit (talk | contribs)
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I am Twilit. Admin of the League Of Blades and a member of The Chaos Ascension. I highly encourage you to join both LOB and TCA.

If you wish for assistance with a certain task in Urban Dead I will assist you as long as its reasonable. (Don't make me tackle a mob by myself or just about anything) Simply contact me at LOB (username:twili) with the job through pm or in the Urban Dead thread. Either way I'll see it but if its big possibly others of TCA might want to help.

Of course you will be in my debt. I probably won't have anything dangerous to do. Usual jobs would probably be FAK me or someone of TCA to full health or at worst revive a member of TCA.

If you fail to pay off the debt within the time provided one of two things will happen: 1.You will be on my "blue" list. (If I see a person with a blue name in Urban Dead I proceed to beat them usually headshotting them) 2. I will reverse whatever I did. Ex if I healed your friend I will shoot him to the same amount of HP that he was at.

More info soon currently not for hire.