User talk:Haloeye Blackheart
"It was tis only a few months ago I was thrust into the life style I have now taken to.I find it strange really I'm a hitman by profession but I prefer blades to axes,Unfortunately my katana broke after a few zeds,Thankfully a local fire house provided a worthy replacement.I have gone from Professional assassin to adapt survivor within the past month or so...but all the same.I have recently joined a group known has The Army Control Corps (( )) they have helped me greatly in surviving.Lately I have holed my self up in binning way police station in order to help some survivors,but its coming under a rag tag siege of sorts by zombies.I will likely add to this journal when I get the chance,But I'm exhausted from the past few days having killed atleast three or four zombies with in the past days has taught me greatly how to use fire arms,But its an annoyance when I realize that many zombies wear flak jackets from the previous life. Anyhow,I'm signing out now,If your reading this wish me luck and give me a ello sometime."
Second Entry:"Ello everyone who might be reading this,Just a small update really.I'm currently holed up a building west of binning with a couple of jolly fellows anyhow I'll be stuck here til I get a positive rendezvous with the rest of the group.Its abit of annoyance being stuck with no ammo two,Not a high possibility to kill zeds with an ax,Primarily because I'm not like hatchet man or anything,So yes I hope to get a new location to go then go there.Night"
Entry #3:"Got mauled by a zombie,Lost binning PD and am now in a long walk towerds locketside to regroup with my comrades,Holding up when ever I need to break briefly or what not in hospitals or churches,So far the events haven't been to terrible mostly just alot of flares going off for some reason...Almost like its forth of July actually...Any how I hope to make it out of dart side within the next few days."
Entry #4: "Made it to bridgecrest today and I'm hoping to pick up some ammo then go hunting,I just hope I'm not sent on like some sort of suicide mission or something,Anyhow I may edit this post later today or tomorrow or make a new one."
Entry #5: "Alright well I'm currently holed up in Lucius's Church in Lockettside,I'll be heading back to the clan meeting place tomorrow hopefully,I have been hearing small patches of talk about missions and a mall siege so we will see how it works out soon enough,Has for myself,I don't really care I just like hunting zeds and blowing there lil green heads into messy blotches of goo.So for all you Zeds out there,Try and keep your heads in one piece,YOUR MESSY WHEN YOU LOSE THEM!"
Gaia, eh?
lol. --HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS 08:41, 29 October 2008 (UTC)