Poncione Court Police Station

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Revision as of 22:09, 17 December 2008 by Ragrillo (talk | contribs)
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Poncione Court Police Station
Abbreviation: PCPS
Group Numbers: ~10
Leadership: Ragrillo, Pheen
Goals: Surviving and protecting the surroundings of Northeast Elstree
Recruitment Policy: free join
Contact: ragriav@yahoo.com

This is the origin of the leaders of the small group of Poncione Court Police Station, currently scattered throughout Northeast Elstree. The group was officially started in late NovemberWe stand as a defense against the marauding hordes of the North and the East, and are looking for survivors willing to join the cause. We have a forum, a radio station, and coordinated members, so we are a good group to join for those looking for an organized and structured yet relaxed group. We accept all as long as you are not a PK-er or anti-survivor.

If you are interested in joining, please post your name, your e-mail, and your Urban Dead ID on the discussion page here, or edit the description by putting your name below the "Recruiting" Section below. Have fun, and good luck!

--Ragrillo 22:09, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
