Order of the Pure Blood
We are a Pro-Human group believing in keeping true to our human nature by not accepting any zed skills. We only Rev or heal others that have also chosen not to give in to the attraction of zed skills.
We can be reached by radio on 28.05 using the callsign "OPB".
We assist in defense of buildings and make a special effort to maintain Cel Towers so suvivors have a secure method of communication. We welcome all humans, but prefer non-zed skilled. Zed-skilled are accepted on a case by case basis. We feel that we can make a difference and so can you. - James Crazy Horse (OPB1)
All persons are asked to carry a standard load out(KIT) of the following items-
- Radio set to 28.05.
- Pistol w/ two clips.
- 1 rev sryinge(upon having skill level to use).
- Mobile Phone for secure comms.
- Fire axe for hand-to-hand or breaking barricades(+skill level).
- One Med Kit.(+med skill)
- GPS,DNA,Flack Vest useful but optional.
Each person then picks a profession that they enjoy doing - Medic - Rev Tech - Construction - Master-at-Arms - Scout. Specialists carry full loads of the chosen field.
- Example - Construction - Standard kit + toolbox + fuel cans and Gensets,radio trans.
- Example - Medic- Standard kit + and many med kits.
- Example - Rev Tech- Standard kit + DNA Scanner and syringes.
- Example - Master-at-Arms- Standard kit + Vest,shotguns, fuel cans, flares.
- Example - Scout- Standard kit + Binocks,GPS,DNA Scanner,med kits,extra ammo,toolbox.
As you can see we use a Team approach. We also use this same approach to rule making and enforcment, there is no boss,mystical dieity,dictator or the Easter Bunny involved. Were not mindless zombies so why act like one.
- United we stand together,Cut one and we all bleed....pure.