User talk:The Reverand Cyanide

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Well praise be your Knowledge

For someone so keen on knowledge, REVERAND! You aren't very smart. If you knew anything of ME you would know that when I say I'm being a good Gahrl, I really am. Ask survivors in the destroyed areas what I've been up to. Unlike yourself, I've actually been helping them, by repairing, reviving, healing and dropping gennies. And YOU with your all mighty wisdom attack me (with no provocation) and leave me to die? (All that knowledge and you assume? TSK! TSK! ) I guess it's true...Knowledge doesn't always equal sense.

Now, I won't waste my faks on myself when there are so many much more deserving. I will just sit here with the 1 HP you left me with and accept any fate that befalls me. But just know this, REVERAND. I will get back up and continue to be a good gahrl no matter how many ignorant come at me and attack me. --Assunta 17:59, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

Ah, Assunta. While you claim to be a "good-girl", you sport a tag from a group that openly admits to spying on humans and PKing them as well. Do I know anyting of you? No-only what is presented, and you present yourself as a human, speaking zombie-talk & belonging to an anti-survivor/pro-zombie group. Do you truly believe that a stranger would trust your intentions? You fully admit membership to a hostile group and therefore are also judged hostile. I hope that you continue your good works-and that it is not an excuse to trap and kill humans as your group's wiki page would have any and all believe. --Ov 18:23, 10 February 2009

Have you ever heard this one Rev?

"There was a little gahrl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, she was very, very good. But when she is BAD she is horrid!

As for strangers trusting my intentions? You're the only one in the last 4mths that I have been behaving myself that hasn't. But it's all good Rev, it is only a game after all. Is it not? Be mean, be seeing you. =)--Assunta 18:22, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Assunta, I have no doubt that my bra!nz will fill your stomach soon (somehow, I feel that you are probably an adept huntress). I also appreciate that you made the 'game' comment, for that is all that UD is-and I would truly wish no real-life insult to the face behind the character! That being said, I would wager that the four months that have passed were four months where no one bothered to follow up your profile by reading the wiki page for your group: you know, the one that says your revived members will spy on humans, destroy generators and PK. Keep in mind, too, that as a PKer, I don't always have the best of intentions towards those that I view as a threat. Be seeing you around-either at the end of my gun or at the end of yours. --Ov 15:57, 13 February 2009