Lambourn Library

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Revision as of 20:00, 15 February 2009 by Oneshotkill3236 (talk | contribs)
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Lambourn Library


Lambourn Library is located in East Grayside, at co-ordinates 61,87. Sixtus General Hospital is 2 South of this Location

Barricading Policy

Keep barricaded at VSB.

Current Status

February 15, 2009 This building is surrounded by TRPs, making it a semi-popular sleeping quarters for prudent survivors. The building has not had a break-in for at least 6 weeks. Overall, a great place to sleep and catch up on a quick read.

UPDATE -- Has been deemed the "HaloCrusades Stronghold" (While not a real group, we are somewhat organized)


15 February 2009 -- Has been kept at VSB for at least 1-2 months now, with the surrounding buildings having moderate survivor activity. Sixtus General Hospital, as well as other surrounding buildings, are being held. Other than the occasional "annexation" from the SOS Brigade, and a zombie or two just passing by, it's been fairly quite.

16 July 2006 -- The fortifications and defenses of Sixtus General Hospital, Boode Place Fire Station, Tharratt Library, and Lambourn Library were overrun yesterday by a zombie invasion. All barricades are down, and the generator and radio at the hospital and fire station have been destroyed. Zeds still roam the area, and 1 is currently ransacking the hospital (has 47 HP). Remaining human forces have rallied at the Spear Arms (1 East, 1 South) for 1st aid and a breakout to the east.

13 July 2006: Currently held by human firefighters who are studying tactics. Strongly barricaded, but lacking communications, medical specialists, or a recon team. 2 North of Sixtus General Hospital (which at last report was held by humans, but is unconfirmed).

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