Talk:Lockettside Republicans Army
Talk here to be recruited.
Hello i am Dylan(Fagritob) and would like to be recruited because I AM THE PIECE OF SHIT!!! how dare you steal my rolls as THE piece of shit...
Ok you can join. You are now the Toilet Scrubber!
Ok, so Fragritob is now a member. How peices of shit are we gunna pick up! devilz-fury 23:29, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
its fagritob and, just as many as we need. There are zombies galore in Lockettside. And L2S. General out. Sorakairi 22:02, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Angry General
Devilzfury, you are becoming irritating. The Description you signed your name to? THAT WAS MINE! The Members list? We both wrote that! Neither of us needed to sign it. But you did. WHY?! Jeez, when i said you needed to sign, I didn't mean my stuff. Just YOURS! Ok? You might be demoted for this if it happens again. Ok? Everyone happy now.
The reason i signed is because i wrote part of it. The whole idea is that you sign it aswell dumbass! devilz-fury 01:18, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Okay, I know we like Jihad tactics! If you would like to add a new policy to our group, leave a link to the page, and a small info thingy. Oh, and a vote.
Sacred All cemeteries are revive points. That is good, as there is a cemetery outside Josaphat General. With freerunning, you enter St. Lucius' Church after you have finished reviving. Votes: II
This gets a 'YAY' from me. It's a good policy and i follow it anyway. devilz-fury 01:24, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
NO!!!! NO!!! No mercy for the enemy sodomiser 11:49, 12 march 2009 .
Yet another revive Policy....ah well.Sorakairi 01:42, 12 March 2009 (UTC) Keep Necrotechs at all costs! Votes: I
Mr Rogers
OH MY GOD! SO MANY GOOD POLICIES! If they don't start us, where fine. But if they DO start us, be prepared for some bang-bang. Votes: I