Harbingers of Peace

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Harbingers of Peace
Abbreviation: Peace, Freedom, and New Life may not be abbreviated
Group Numbers: A Few Prophets
Leadership: Each his own
Goals: To bring the glorious freedom of death to every survivor. To strike down life's oppressive chains. When all are zombie, all will be at peace.
Recruitment Policy: Add "Harbingers of Peace" to your profile. Add your name and ID to this profile. Preach.
Contact: Soon to come

"Through Death, Freedom. Through Death, Peace. Through Death, New Life"

Harbingers of Peace. There is truth in that name.

Forsaken by a hateful and misguided world, those of us who make our home in Malton have been without peace for some time. War has broken out, and as human kills his brother human, there seems no rest in sight. There are wars amongst the living, wars amongst the dead, And the greatest war of all between the two.

But what are we fighting for? What do we struggle for day after day, cowering in buildings barricaded with furniture once meant to bring us comfort, holing ourselves up in malls, our sanctuaries of consumerism, as if grasping at the valueless lives we once lead, now long burried under the corpses in the street?

We fight for survival.

We fight for peace.

Friends you have been lied to for too long. You have been bamboozeled, swindled, hoodwinked, hornswaggled, deluded by the charlatans who offer you "life". We, friends, have been given a gift. We have been offered a chance at survival. An opportunity for peace. A promise of new life.

Undeath is a gift from God

When all are Zombies there will be no needs. Not for food, not for shelter, not for television or toys.

When all are Zombies there will be no war. No schisms in religion. No bickering over land.

There is only one way to win. And that is to die.

What To Do

Perhaps you wish to join the few prophets who roam our shattered home, preaching on the street corners and in the safehouses. Perhaps you too would like to bring sweet death to another human, to bring peace to unsuspecting survivers, to soak the baricades with blood of a now freed dead man.

No Problem.

Responsibilities of a Prophet are as follows-

  • Bring death to survivors. Do so as zombie or bearing the wieght of life. Some condemn PKing as an unforgivable sin. They are mistaken. The sin they are thinking of is life.
  • Preach however you can. An uneducated death may be a death in vain. There are those who seek to oppress our converts through revives and heals. Show you victom the error of his ways, so that he will not seek out these misguided evil doers.
  • It must be said again. PREACH. Some may call us crazy, others will say we are wrong. The power of words can be as strong as the power of death. (Though, make no mistake, coupling the two can be stronger still)


These are the Harbingers you may see in your mall, on the street, in the alleys, or in the church.

They bring you only peace.

Skull1 small.gif Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.