The Crump Museum

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Revision as of 13:18, 8 April 2009 by The Lone Wanderer (talk | contribs) (Story of the building and starting the Vault Dwellers saga)
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Current State

The Crump Museum

Gulsonside [74,74]

a warehouse Shearley Place The Bane Museum
The Gollop Building The Crump Museum Ponder Grove
Tatchel Street Jewell Lane Shean Alley Railway Station

Basic Info:

  • Museums have a wide range of different collections and exhibitions, although previously they were not lootable. Nowadays, different decorative items may be found there.
  • Generally, the descriptions found in Museums fall along the lines of "…currently displaying a(n) exhibition/installation/collection of _____________"
  • Museums can be barricaded normally.

Its exhibition of tapestries ransacked by looters. The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. A thin layer of dust covers the debris.

The Restoring

The museum's sign remains till this day.

The Crump Museum had the largest exhibition of tapestries in the United States in 25 years, and the first extensive survey of tapestry production between 1460 and 1560, this exhibition highlights the great cycles of the late 15th and first half of the 16th centuries as the unsung glories of Renaissance art. After the events that cause the city to fall to it's knees, The Vault Dwellers with their leader and so far only member the "Lone Wanderer" searches for safety in a world destroyed. When he found the Crump museum, the name reminded him of the place his father uses to work at and from that point on rebuild the city.If that means working other groups and organization to help the people of the greater town, so be it.

The Vault Dwellers

The Vault Dwellers are a neutral group (Humans and Zombies can join if they want the city to be restored) "We do not want conflict, but if needed will defend against anybody" - LoneWandererVault101[[1]]

The Vault Dwellers

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