User:Melancholy One

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Revision as of 20:05, 4 July 2009 by Melancholy One (talk | contribs)
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* (if you chose yes please continue

* (If you have selected no then get your effing pansey arse off my page for i have no patience for you. This page does not allow solicitation, ya know like those signs you see in McDonalds.....or in front of random stores that make you think what kind of retard would stand here and not get anything or even go in?? Seriously go to a friends house ofsomething wtf get the @#%$ out on my way! yea that kind of thing! So if you clicked no then get the @#$% out of here for you are like those assholes standing in McDonalds blocking other people from getting thier Big Macs and you dont wanna piss off ppl who want food you just DONT do that was i saying again?? OH! yea get the @#%$ out.

YEa so those of you who have continued this is my wiki page! TA FREAKING DA!

-I am the character known as Melancholy one on urban dead and am in the process of creating a group called The Pker Kers which as small as it is now is doing what it can for the people of Dulston...

-Yea sorry not into this whole writing thing anymore right now ill finish it another day so SORRY this is going to be to be continued for those of you who have continued....(-_- yea hahaha i know not that funny)

-I plan to upload art for my group eventually and ill quite possibly start making a detailed list of the known pkers of dulston for therefrenceof possible future members...

-well thats itfor now i suppose imma go play guildwars or sumthin till i hav 50 ap again.... or maybe *GASP* do something else? yes i do have a life

-unlike ppl who are 40 living in ther parents basements checking urban dead everyhour *cough* He's Dead Jim *cough**cough*

yea im done now...

noreally stop reading......


you dont listen do you...................




im bored....










yea so if you actually kept reading this far congradulations youre a freak.....

unless i already know you then SORRY ^_^'

yea sooo i had work this morningand it was really boring ... my boss wanted me to come in early but i was like screw this i needs mah sleeps so i didnt answer m phoneand ignore the voice mess

it was a good call tho cuz it was dead all day... my boss scares me a little she looks like some creepy anorexic petifileofsumthing i swear

yea so as i was saying work sucked so i watched the tv there all day i id however see this really awsome bag of potato chips they were like friggin sweet i ate them

OH! hahaha i made my co worker jeff deliver a sub to Ricks Tally ho hahaha im sooo not going there,,,,


theres cake in my fride ^-^

...... look ^^

i spelled fidge wrong that time i must be dyslexsic cuz if you really read this far youd see i made like .....i dunno but a hell of alot of spelling mistakes....

Oh you also probably noticed i was tring no to put swear words on this but yea.... i got bored and gave up so FUCK THIS SHIT! WHOOO ass ass ass fuck damn shit....SORRY i had to get that out..

so back to that bag of potato chips at work

they were salty

a bit too salty

but they were lays so i couldnt eat just one..(HahaAHahaha not that funny...)

wow i wonder

this is gonna look soooo shity once i save it

that always happens to me


...........' i dunno i thought i was gonna type sumthing funny but

its not that funny so ill spare you...

yea im really done now

cuz i really have to pee


--Melancholy One 23:21, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

why the hell does my page get soo many veiws?? lol it baffles me