User talk:Cliff Runner

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Revision as of 20:58, 22 July 2009 by Cliff Runner (talk | contribs)
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Just wanted to stop by and thank you for supporting UDWitness. If you or anyone you are in contact with experience any errors with the service, or have suggestions/complaints/etc., feel free to get a hold of me here on the Wiki and I'll see what I can do. Thanks again! -   HaliphaxTCS 21:45, 17 July 2009 (BST)

Hi! I've got no errors till now. I'd have a few suggestions though which are probably more or less relevent for you, depending what your goal with udwitness is: 1) If you want to establish a real long term witness hosting platform, you should convince the Rogues Gallery maintainers to officially accept your service as a source of proof. At the moment they only allow for imageshack-screenshots and iwitness. 2) You could try to reconstruct much of iwitness functionality, like sophisticated searching through public witnesses (searching for players, for districts, locations, times etc.) for example. 3) What I would really like is an option, how much to anonymize the witness: People posting PK reports and especially bounty hunters posting their reports usually mask irrelevant, private or potential abuseable information, like the player listings in the map, or the whole map, private conversations in the room, the own inventory, AP left, etc. If there would be predefined or even customizable settings for posting PK reports, bounty-reports, normal witnesses etc. that would be really great, but of'cource depending on 1). I know this is pretty much stuff to do, but you asked for ideas and suggestions. :) Keep up the good work. Cheers --Cliff Runner 14:55, 18 July 2009 (BST)
Btw: I found a little display error in your UDinv. If I got a fuel can and a FAK but no possible target is in the room, both join in a box (see here). If possible targets to heal are in the room, this error does not occur (see here). Hope this helps. --Cliff Runner 20:06, 20 July 2009 (BST)
Ah, yes. I am aware of the error. I've been meaning to go back through and fix UDInv for a few reasons. That being one, and another being that the Mall search compactor always resets to Gun Store (instead of what you searched last). As for the UDWitness suggestions, I've spoken with the representatives of the Rogues Gallery about 5 months ago, and no progress has been made since. They move pretty slow up there. :( Search functionality is coming soon--very soon. Regarding the location hiding, etc., though, I am not sure that I'm going to add features like that. There are Greasemonkey scripts and bookmarklets that already can hide your location and others in the room. I will probably just link to those until I feel it important enough to include in the service. Thanks for your feedback!!! --  HaliphaxTCS 21:25, 20 July 2009 (BST)