User:Amy Flood

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My other character, Jon Shepherd, can be found here User:Amy_Flood/Jon_Shepherd.

Amy Floodis a survivor, originally from London. She lived in the Pitneybank area of Malton for a while, though she's now settled with a lovely group called Shed in Quarlesbank.

Unlike so many in Malton, her past was mostly pretty nice. She comes from a thoroughly middle class family from London. Her mother makes jewelry and her father runs a restaurant. She moved to Malton to attend university, where she studied statistics. She was living with her firefighting older brother Billy, who she was separated from toward the beginning of the outbreak.

She's quite certain that, if and when she escapes this awful place, she's going to go back to London, tell her parents she's alive and well, then go on holiday to someplace warm and sunny where she can lay on the beach all day. Then, she'll go back to London, turn her back on mathematics, and open a bakery. In the mean time, however, she's almost content to defend her suburb with her rather mis-matched bunch of friends.

Amy's Personal Information

Name: Amelia Caroline Flood

Date of Birth: 14 September, 1986

Physical Description: Amy is, for the most part, absolutely average. Nothing about her appearance really stands out. She is around 5'5", and she weighs approximately 9 stone 9 lbs. Amy's hair is darkish brown. Her eyes are green. Her nose is narrow and straight. She doesn't spend much time outside, so her skin is pale-ish. Her figure is neither repulsive nor exceptionally attractive. She is squishier than she might like around the middle, and less squishy than she'd like around the chest. On the whole, Amy is not unattractive, though it is doubtful anyone would ever objectively describe her as "gorgeous."

History: is under construction

About Amy's creator...

My name is Sam. I am kind of Alaskan, kind of Mississippian. I go to art school. I am kind of a dork. I knit and crochet semi-often. I am the sort of person who prefers skipping to walking, and likes to sing loud and off-key for no reason at all. I think physics is, like, the awesomest thing ever. At any given moment, I am likely to be working ridiculously hard (or trying ridiculously hard to make myself work), as I am studying architecture, and therefore have an insane workload. I vlog with some friends... I'm the Sunday person, just so you know.

Template Things

Good grooming.jpg Good Grooming
This user or group practices good grooming habits, and recommends that other Malton survivors do too.