User talk:The Village Mormon

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Please F*ck off

Seriously. As of 9:01 PM I was active when you came in and smashed CORAM's gear. Be warned, I know where Maupassant, your other profile is, so fuck off. Sgt Raiden 03:16, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

I do not have an alt named Maupassant, and if I did, that would be called "zerging", which is against the game rules. I do not zerg, and unless you have a shred of evidence to support a rather serious accusation, I suggest you move on from that belief. The Village Mormon 03:14, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, O really? The name sounds familiar, and we HAVE had incidents in the past. And you can have an alt, it's only zerging if you have him along side you. Sgt Raiden

I can solemnly assure you that the similarity is a coincidence. If it wasn't, I am sure both of us would be having a very bad time with the RNG. Maupassant does sound similar to Mormonpussy, but I don't own that account. The Village Mormon 03:24, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
Regardless of your dispute, Sgt Raiden has no right to edit your main user page. Feel free to remove anything he posts there, and report him on the vandalism page in the future -- boxy talkteh rulz 09:13 21 March 2010 (BST)

Welcome to the wiki


Emot-argh.gif 17:23, 17 March 2010 (UTC)


I put it on especially for you. I suppose the irony is that I have Mormon family members. All in good humor, though. I take it that you're not too offended judging by the last 5 letters of your character's name

Not to worry, I am not actually a mormon. I guess I plucked the name more than somewhat just for the hell of it. Heck,if i got offended over a game, I don't think I would still be playing today. The Village Mormon 11:50, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

Your name

makes me laff--Big Cat 03:27, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

The Village Mormon or Mormonpussy? The Village Mormon 03:28, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

The Game

Even if you don't want to. Check out my user page for the score so far. I look forward to smashing your stuff later. The Village Mormon 17:23, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

Now that's dedication! You'll win overall - us hunting you ain't as easy as you hunting us. Saying that, am pleased this game is on! And don't forget to carry a hand-held tuned to 25.92MHz. Bring it on Mormon boy! xxx --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20:47, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, in the interest of fairness, I would be willing to adjust the score a bit. I got to thinking that one point to me for whacking either the Genny or radio was a bit... unfair, to say the most. I don't want an uneven game. That said, I look forward to you guys doing your best to hunt me. Good luck. The Village Mormon 21:10, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

Let the games begin! -Captain Video 00:00, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, I got the Genny and the Radio. I ran with 12 ap, so I am within one of the buildings within 12 AP of the CORAM building. The Village Mormon 01:58, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm going to give myself extra points every time I kill you in such a manner you'll wake up wondering what the fuck just happened. Ever been killed by tennis racket, Mormonpussy? What about being punched to death? All this and more awaits you. Love, Vapor 03:10, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

I like that idea... Two points for a creative kill. Deliver a finishing blow with anything aside from a firearm, fireaxe, or knife. I like that... The Village Mormon 03:22, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

In the interest of our game, I'd like to suggest that we put it on hold if a siege occurs. Kind of takes the fun out of it if the place gets ruined by zeds. Gish2004 05:40, March 18, 2010 (UTC)

Good point Gish. Yeah, this is only gonna work during peacetime. Taking a dump on MP's corpse should also gain CORAM some points. Just think what things'll be like if MP forms a group! x --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 09:47, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

Valid point. The damnedest thing is that if a siege does happen and CORAM does fall, I would have nothing to do while you all wander the streets as zeds, which would bore me to tears. If you do start being sieged, expect to see me in the building... keeping the barricades up and the stuff inside running. The Village Mormon 11:52, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

Much appreciated MP. I know how it feels - I used to persistently GK a certain NT, and in times of ruin my life was slutty, damp, and worthless. x --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 19:40, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

Are you guys having difficulty finding me? The Village Mormon 01:37, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

Am not sure we're looking that hard. Hide a little closer! Personally, am trying to catch you in the act! My alt almost had you y'day, well, missed repairing the radio by a second, and missed repairing the gennie by a second, then as I fired my ray-gun at your Mormon face you'd slipped out the door. Your time will come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 09:14, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

That was an exciting night, running into a live one. I did get killed that night, but at least I got the gennie and radio ;) The Village Mormon 12:36, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
In the interest of not trolling, I am not going to destroy anything in the Coram building on Monday or Tuesday. Take two days off without fretting about the genny or the transmitter. The Village Mormon 19:13, 20 March 2010 (UTC)