
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 23:55, 3 April 2010 by Wyndfyre (talk | contribs)
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With less violence this time (no, your dangly bits won't be lodged up your nostrils for reading this stuff), I warn you not to read the following work-in-progress because it's ugly. IT WILL BURN YOUR EYES.

Hey, I warned you.

800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.

Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
This user really, really likes cheese.

About Me

How I found Urban Dead

It was either,

1) I was looking for something to do on the internet, since I was bored... something along the lines of an MMORPG. Then I saw Urban Dead in a list of inferior nobody-websites.


2) I came across the Graaaagh! viral (by Kevan of course) and saw Urban Dead advertised at the bottom.

Or maybe it was a combination of me looking for a website to look at, found Graaaagh, and THEN found Urban Dead...

Doesn't matter! When I decided to join, it took me almost 30 minutes to decide my name, class, etc. Mostly I just looked up the best class and looked at other peoples' names. I always prepare before playing something, what can I say. Possibly a day or so later, I created another character. Whether it was my zombie character first, or my dual nature one I can't say, but either way I eventually decided to stick with only one: Karen Vasser, my dual nature character. (My first zombie was called Wyndfyre, and is now collecting dust somewhere in one of Malton's corners.)


