Indian/Pakistani Leftovers/Borehamwood Survivor Sightings

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Survivor Tracking

Welcome to the Borehamwood Survivor Tracking Page! Please put all new sighting reports at the top of each respective suburb's list and don't forget to sign your entries. We need those time stamps to know if the info is current. Happy hunting!

Attention! There is a (now public) map tool to help track down 'caded buildings made by Duke Garland. The map is here, the help and information is here. Public login for the map is public / e71b8845

Old sightings have been moved to the sightings archive to keep the newer info easier to reference. The sightings archive is located here.

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Northwest Borehamwood

27 April, 2010 Harman activity in the Northwest! Active resistance (for once), Rexworthy Bank [530,25] is lit and HB, the Ross Building [530,24] is VSB, Beacham Way School [529,26] is up and possibly more!--Necrofeelinya 00:39, 28 April 2010 (BST)

North Borehamwood

11 May, 2010 Emergency Alert! - You are inside Schonlau Cinema [560-13], its auditorium in darkness. With the lights out, you can hardly see anything. The doors to the street have been left wide open. Also here is asdironh (45HP). Soups on Braaazahs!--Mob mentality 03:21, 12 May 2010 (BST)

7 May, 2010 A factory [552,32], Strafford Library [554,32], Upsdale Row Police Station [555,31] and Club Hilda [556,31] are all EHB as part of a cluster that straddles the border with Central! Harman d-bags arrived last night with their traitor zombie tools well in advance!--Necrofeelinya 23:29, 7 May 2010 (BST)

Northeast Borehamwood

10 MAY 2010 a garage [569,28] and environs are repaired and 'caded. there are more repaired buildings north of this building, broke into Slatter bank and ruined it. an unidentified zed (to me) was sitting on it and i took it from VSB down.--hajen 22:48, 10 May 2010 (BST)

Countryside (West)

West Borehamwood

28 April, 2010 Alert! The Farr Bank [522-38] cluster is up and 'caded!--Necrofeelinya 03:18, 29 April 2010 (BST)

Central Borehamwood

7 May, 2010 Brigid General Hospital [553,33] is EHB as part of a cluster that straddles the border with the North! The harmans are reported to be seeking medical-grade lubes and Rohypnol to use on one another and eating handfuls of pills off of each others hairy backsides!--Necrofeelinya 23:32, 7 May 2010 (BST)

East Borehamwood

Countryside (East)


27 May 2010 a junkyard [502,76] is at EHB. i figure the locals might bail now that i've posted; so keep that in mind, my brazzahz, if you come to visit. check random ruins while heading this way, or not (it's great when you know the opposition is reading your correspondence). --hajen 17:47, 27 May 2010 (BST)

Southwest Borehamwood

South Borehamwood

Elstree Studios

Southeast Borehamwood

18 May, 2010 You are inside Sankey Bank. ... Also here are Deadwood Joe (26HP) and Harold Monroe (60HP). - Permanent Wave 01:05, 18 May 2010 (BST)