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Revision as of 05:23, 5 August 2010 by Sasammygirl (talk | contribs)
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Before the infestation, Sasammygirl was a toxicologist (One who studies the poisoning of things, primarily humans. Looks for treatments, causes, symptoms, detection, etc). She traveled from America to Malton on a research mission to study various affects new Necrotech chemicals had on fellow scientists and patients. She had only heard strange rumors of its affects, but had never seen the chemicals at work until the initial outbreak.

Having a severe allergy to death, she made her way to any safe house she could possibly find. Picking up whatever useful skills she could learn along the way. She was fascinated by these new techniques, that were able to bring the dead back to life and spent the new free time she was given (due to the zombie outbreak) to better understand them. She never stayed in one place to long, that is until she came upon a seemingly quiet little suburb by the name of Ruddlebank. For an unknown reason she felt strangely at home there and immediatly started looking for a safe place to stay. While wandering the streets, her eyes caught the simple splendid sight of St. Pirans Church. She knew right away that this was the place she had been searching for.

It was there that she finally met truly friendly faces. She spent the next 3-4 months there, not abandoning the church for anything. Though she is hardly religious, she kept watch of the place and tried her best to help contribute to her fellow survivors residing there. While there she met the former leader of The Lockettside Valkyries and agreed to join the group, move out of Ruddlebank and next door to Lockettside.

A minor faction disbanded from the Valkyries, a small disagreement concerning the overall pacifism of the group, eventually the two factions went their seperate ways in a friendly split. And from that, The Lockettside Defense Corps sprouted. The former leader and a few other Valks joined up with the LDC, Sasammygirl was invited to join the group as second in command and has been with the LDC ever since.