Warehouse 20,26

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a warehouse

Darvall Heights [20, 26]

Fanning Street
Lorgh Walk Hibbert Walk
Silwood Crescent
a warehouse Coker Avenue
Caiger Mall
Caiger Mall Holloms Auto Repair

Basic Info:

  • Warehouses can be barricaded normally.

Warehouse 20,26


A non-descript Warehouse off the North East corner of Caiger Mall. It is routinely used as an entry point.


Barricade Policy

As an entry point to the mall it should be kept at VS+2 at all times.

Current Status

Warehouse has been breached, managed to revive 1, but still 2 zeds inside. Barricaded loosely. Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 07:25, 10 August 2010 (BST)

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