Malton Street Patroll
About the group
The Malton Street Patroll is a paramilitary group, always the first to help getting rid of the zombie infestation on the streets. Travelling from suburb to suburb, kicking zombies' asses all around the city. Usually, their only enemies are the undead, but in case of witnessing murder, the MSP's motto is "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Despite the fact, that the MSP is a combat group, we are always working on improving the infrastructure of the city, repairing buildings, setting up generators and fueling them, and also keeping the barricades at high levels.
As a team, we always stick together, our only aim is to help the survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Due to the manageable size of our group as well as the high activity of our members, no one is left behind. Neither our own men nor our allies.
Feel free to vist our HQ, currently at Porter Library [93,98], Miltown.
Group Memebers
Current Group members include
-Redd Eyed Jedi
-Gangsta yoda
-Cpl Chuck
-Robin Flagg
Out of this list, the head honchos are:
-Redd eyed jedi
And there generals are:
-Gangsta yoda
-Robbin Flagg
-CplChuck Norris
Our leaders, Redd and Twakka, are always searching for groups that have the same goal of fighting the zombie horde. Drop us a message and we'll add you to the list!
We are currently in alliance with The Roach Klips (Roachtown)
Join us on the air
We are broadcasting on 27.75 all the way from Miltown, feel free to leave us a message there and enjoy the hits of the 80s... okay, that was a lie - but you can transmit there anyway. 27:75 is now our own official and also registered frequency.
Short-wave Radio Info | |
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 27.75 MHz |
Current Group Status
-10 August 2010 After being seperated by the incoming zombie horde, the MSP members reestablished their Headquaters in Porter Library [93,98], Miltown. Currently, the MSP is supporting local survivors by maintaining the key ressource buildings in the suburb, including Callistus General Hospital, the Fliney Building(NT) and Wadham Square Police Department. Their tasks are to keep the barricades at an adequate level, to set up generators and to assure their fuel supply as well as to revive the undead at the revive points.
-31 May 2010 Now holding greenland boulevard (92,82) as there HQ, Leaving the message to any survivors to join the MSP. We are always recruiting and ready to help any other people of Malton that need our help...
-1st Jan 09 After long talks the MSP have now desided to move location from miltown and are now currently holding a mansion in Rochtown. Porter Library was the first major HQ of the MSP and are very sad to leave the place, But we have plans for Rochtown and the surrounding area to make safer and are currently calling to distress calls to help in any way we can...