Zombie Radio Madness

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Sanus Vox
Abbreviation: Vox
Group Numbers: 1
Leadership: Holmgard
Goals: Entertain and Inform the masses
Recruitment Policy: Leave a comment in discussion,I'll reply ASAP
Contact: 27.34MHz


Sanus Vox is a new radio station operating within Gibsonton. Our goal is to bring news, music, entertainment and important reports to the masses.We try to aim for daily broadcast but as you know life does tend to get in the way. Everything will be recorded and displayed our archive for any and all to see.

Bulletin Board

  • Sanus Vox HQ is trashed.Broadcast have been postponed.July 28th,2010
  • Holmgard is experiencing internet problems,soon to be resolved.August 2nd,2010
  • Sanus vox will soon be back online.August 11th,2010
  • Sanus Vox is back!August 21st,2010

Flammablezombies.jpgHolmgard is now off active duty.


July 25th,2010


  • You broadcast "Heeellllloooo Malton.Isn't it just another glorious day in " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "Zombieland.I'm very proud to say that this is Sanus Vox," on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "a healthy voice in all this decay,thist is our" on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "First broadcast and I'm your host,Holmgard" on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "I'm coming to you live from my fortified bunker in Gibsonton" on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "I'm sorry for any repeats,we seem to be having technical " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "difficulty with our sperm modem.You know the one I'm talking" on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "about.3G,Vodafone and O2 sell them." on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "Well I guess it's time for a spot of new.Survivors have " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "reported that there is a very large number of rotters south " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "of Gibsonton.If you do decide to go that way make sure you " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "have enough guns.That's all for now.Later on we may have a " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "guest on,but what he says is up to him.And I leave you now " on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "with some music." on 27.34 MHz.
  • You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu2DaLiA1yo" on 27.34 MHz.


Heeellllloooo Malton.Isn't it just another glorious day in Zombieland.I'm very proud to say that this is Sanus Vox,a healthy voice in all this decay,this is our First broadcast and I'm your host,Holmgard.I'm coming to you live from my fortified bunker in Gibsonton.I'm sorry for any repeats,we seem to be having technical difficulty with our sperm modem.You know the one I'm talking about.3G,Vodafone and O2 sell them.Well I guess it's time for a spot of new.Survivors have reported that there is a very large number of rotters south of Gibsonton.If you do decide to go that way make sure you have enough guns.That's all for now.Later on we may have a guest on,but what he says is up to him.And I leave you now with some music.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu2DaLiA1yo

July 26th,2010


  • Area51T broadcast "Right, hello. I am Lieutenant Area 51T" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "of the Imperium of Man, I hope everyone is having at least a" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "decent time trying to survive in this zone." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "As my predecessor stated before me, there is a large" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "concentration of rotters south of Gibsonton." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "So make sure to stock up on enough ammo and supplies before" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "venturing into that area." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "And now I'll leave you with some music to listen to while" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "killing time in the wastes." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "Remember, the only good mutant, is a dead mutant!" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "This is Lieutenant Area51T signing off." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
  • Area51T broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_5_x1IUA8" from here, on 27.34 MHz.


Right, hello. I am Lieutenant Area 51T" from here of the Imperium of Man, I hope everyone is having at least a decent time trying to survive in this zone.As my predecessor stated before me, there is a large concentration of rotters south of Gibsonton.So make sure to stock up on enough ammo and supplies before venturing into that area.And now I'll leave you with some music to listen to while killing time in the wastes.Remember, the only good mutant, is a dead mutant!This is Lieutenant Area51T signing off.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_5_x1IUA8

August 21st,2010



Sanus Vox is back on the air!Things will be a little slugish for a day or two while things in Gibsonton are back to normal.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TteLSVxsCg&feature=av2n
