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the corkeys are a group based in nix bank we are in an aliance with the southwestern brotherhood of steel and through them we are alied with the capd we are a new group and are looking for survivers to strengthen our ranks our leader is gelma12000 who can ussually be found in or around the harbord building our luitenents include gelma1,mr corkey, draknafien, and veirna. who can mostly by found in foulkes village and crooketon if not at the harbord building it is our temperary head quarters that we share with wade yancey leader of the southwestern brotherhood of steel we are a group of survivers. if the harbord building isnt ruined or under seige well be there and we revive any zed out side of it except brain rots we do not revive brain rots because you always end up letting in the wrong zed then your hq lies in ruins and your members stuck as zeds. so if u want to join come to the harbord building and ask for the corkeys all levels are welcome