Common Survival/HVT
This is our current list of High-Value Targets, and reason they were placed here.
If they are on this page, consider them armed and skilled.
In event of an encounter, follow the directions at the bottom of this page, with time and sig.
Insults are up to you.
Once the deed is done, place a bold "l" Beneath their name in their respective sections in the color of the job.
White "l"s represent bounties out on them to be filled.
No bounty means to continue indefinitely.
To keep people from thinking you are a malicious PKer say "" before attacking humans.
Non-Rotters with Purple Backgrounds and all rotters are considered DNRs.
Non-Rotting Individuals
Shambling Killer-- Parachuting into the HQ, and infecting the inhabitants.
[ ll ]
Value Levels
On Our Good Side (But Under Watch) | Bust 'Em Up, But Do NOT Kill | Maim Or Kill, At Discretion | Kill On Sight | Pursue And Kill | Special Orders |
Penalty Assignments
Offenses are gauged on a looser basis.
Rotters tend to be punished more severely than non-rotters,
and PKers more harshly than zombies.
Parachutists and Zombie Spies shall be summarily executed, or neutralized.
Bounties are usually once per incident, though attacks on the group earn multiple bounties.
Bounties are usually tit-for-tat, harm warrants harm, death warrants death, with green and yellow.
However, attacks against buildings, or by PKers, generally warrant multiple bounties and higher consequences.