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Note to all readers of this document: any material in this page is for role play purposes only and does not reflect our real life beliefs.

DD Poster showing Dikki


He stands at about 6 foot.Grade 0 shaved head,often wears his clothes from before infection white tank top,bleech stained jeans,doc martin boots and red braces. He sometimes wears a green bomber jacket covered in patches,owns black suit for council of leaders meeting and LHC speeches and also wears his DD general uniform which constists of black shirt,trousers and red tie and arm band with DD logo. He also has many tatto on his arms and back mostly of german logos and icons.There are a few injection marks in his right arm from his experiment with revives as a drug.


Young director originally from Lamport Hills aged 19 part of The Chatwin Family. Attended college of film and animation. After being thrown out of college for racial assault Dikki joined another director called Adamkun2 together they started making low budget horror films. Dikki has very neo-nazi belifes but even though a skinhead he is quiet calm and very intelligant. After their first film "Chimera" Adamkun2 and Dikki formed a film group called Dead Dudes who then went on to make another film and puppet series. Just after the release of "Rise of the Dragur" zombie infection happened in his home city of Malton.From then Dead Dudes became a defence force against the living dead. Dikki is still directing in this quaritneed area in a documentary horror titled "The Malton Crisis".Since the infection Dikki and along with his fellow director Adamkun have made Dead Dudes into a military/political/defence movement aiming to rid the whole of Malton of the undead scum.Soon DD as they are more commonly know as became larger and with Dikki taking almost full command he has brought his and some of the other DD members nazi/nationlist beliefs into the group moving away from skin colour but focusing on the new scum the undead imergrants and the sub-human Pkers as Dikki refers to them as.As a start Dikki formed a groups allience between groups of Lamport Hills where he slighly put his beliefs to them with one of his main goals for the suberb "LAMPORT FOR LAMPORTIANS" through this allience Dikki get his views across in very aggressive but moving speeches.Soon alot of Lamport knew of Dikki and his mighty DD making Dikki want to go further with his political beliefs so Dikki is running for election in the Malton goverment know as the council of leaders where he aims to takes his beliefs and action to a higher level.


Clothes,boots and braces

Shaving blade

Mobile phone


Last packet of marlboro reds

Radio with casset player with a selection of Metal tapes

Back pack with notebook,pencil and plastic bottle

Small handheld video camera with spare tapes and link cable

Two books "Mein Kampf" and "The Holy Bible"

Baseball Bat with knockes in it

Trusty "micheal myers" style kichen knive

WW2 german lugar pistol(stolen from museum)

Head Count

HEAD COUNT(Knotches on His Bat): //////// =20


My Acount

26th April 2007

This is my first entry to my video diary and will also be used in my new film "The Melton Crisis" a documentary horror of the chaos in the streets of melton. 28th April 2007

Ive been sercure in my house for weeks now, all windows and doors and barricaded. Dulston has been quiet since the outbreak but these last few days there has been an increase of corpses. 4th May 2007

The numbers of the dead of increasing dayly, im starting to run low of supplies ineed to move from here soon. 7th May 2007

There are more and more of those things i need to go. Ive contacted the rest of Dead Dudes and my mates and im meeting some of them a few blocks down thats if i make it. Ive got to go, right im doing it.

9th May 2007

Ive searched a few blocks and found some usefull supplies but no food or drink.Im currently in a hospital with many other scared survivors it seems safe but still no sihn of my mates.

10th May 2007

Ive been clawed by one of thoes god damn corpses im bleeding a little bit i dont think im infected well i hope im not. A ciggi will help. I need to get indoors AHH it hurts the wound and my guts i havnt eaten in a few days and im very tired. That zombie hurt me good but i gave him a good stomping.

12th May 2007

Im safe now im in a pig station. The people here are surprisingly nice ive been given a pack of crisps and ive been bandaged up, i feel so better. Today i recieved a TXT message from he'll be here in a day or so.

13th May 2007

Still no sight of matty or punkoroma. Conan2 contacted me and has found a suitable location for HQ and as soon as the other come we will move. The buildings radio keeps going off with people crying out for help and assistance, others dont get a chance to ask its driving me mad the only thing keeping me sane is my book mein kampf. 14th May 2007

Finally part of dead dudes are together it feels so good to talk to people you know. Punkoroma has decided to teavel alone to millen hills bad destion i think. We will move out tomorrow.

15th May 2007

The radio keeps going on about zeds moving to the mall oppersite. The others are out in the streets for all i know they are already dead i need to get to millen hills.

15th May 2007

I shouldnt have left that cop station i made it a few suberbs but i was corned by corpes at laest eight in so much pain, im feeling sick, tired and a swing in moods. Ive finished my book but ive started the bible i need something to belive in now. Im so tired this will be my last entry as soon i will be unable to w.......

16th May 2007

im in an ozzy pub called the sidney arms and im the only one here im getting wasted tonight. Im safe this morning i awoke seening a blurr of a man in a white coat when i came to he was no where to be seen. I was in a cemetery blood was on my face and shirt i had been a zombie i cannot remeber a thing no maybe i just passed out. Who was the man in the white he saved me maybe an angel no ive only just read a few pages of the bible no just some guy anyway cheers who ever you were. GULP,GULP,GULP.

18th May 2007

Still in the pub only a few people have come and gone. There is plenty of food and drink here its a nice little pub.I also found my new weapon a pool cue i took it out on a hit and run mish and i killed my first zombie the buzz was better than any drug yeah i fought many atime but never killed anyone. The zeds death helped me figuar them out damage the brain to kill and with who slow they move its cant be that hard with my pistol hopeully a new buzz.I mark the kill by puttin a knotch in my baseball bat.

21st May 2007

A few fellow dead dudes have turned up and last night was one hell of a night getting pissed with the lads like the days before infection. Even though my mates are here i feel less safe more zombies are gathereing outside.

22rd May 2007

looks like the zeds will do something soon more and more come everyday i think they can smell us our blood, our flesh wait corpses are attacking the barricades. BANG, BANG, gurrrr BANG, HELP noooo BANG BANG. The zed has retreated but they draged punkoroma into the streets we have to leave the pub isnt safe i hope punkoroma can fight them off we cannot risk helpin him anymore. 23rd May 2007

Adamkun searched out the pub and it has died down the sidney arms will be mine again. The next plan of action is to clear the area around the bar and sercure the doors and windows when this is done it will be Dead Dudes first studio in melton and will be home to all survivors. The rise of the dead dudes is now the suberb of millen hills and lamport hills will feel our wrath. Also a main objective is to recriut members to run erands for us who i will reffer to as RUNNERS.

24th May 2007

i barricaded the liddiar tower other members of Dead Dudes are in ther other tower next door ive named the two towers they will be a perfect watch towers for our scouts.

28th May 2007i

ve taken back the Sidney arms it is now offically the Dead Dudes HQ studio i spoke to conan2 yesterday and the fist tags have gone up and real dannis is setting up an revive point.ours numbers are rising and we are claiming turf hopefully other people will see the tags and know of DEAD DUDES.

1st June 2007

its been quiet these last couple of days loads of different people have been staying at the arms since we did it up.generator up now we have music on the jukebox and lights.the lights draw a few extra zombies around here but its ok we had an offical opening party of the sidney arms the other day it kicked wasted listened to queen and listening to jokes from this stand up comedian he was pretty plans are to find a radio transmitter and set up radio dead dudes.also we have located not to far from here a cinema we will infaltrate it and put Rise Of The Dragur on there loop system bringing more reconistion of Dead Dudes.

4th June 2007

the arms is really starting to feel like a pub before infection now.i have taken on the role as landlord and im starting to know the locals.Conan2 got back from the mall today with fuel,beer and a radio transmitter which now means we can set up Radio Dead Dudes.

6th June 2007

Next door is an old warhouse punkoroma has taken it under our control.We are storing all our films and equipment.punkoroma and his mate our new member are running it but they dont seem to be there alot.Adamkun2 returned from the local cinema it has been tagged and rise of the dragur put into the film loop lets hope we gain some new fans.

7th June 2007

SMASH SMASH zeds are outside they are breaking in all we can do is wait "NO THEY ARE THROUGH" BANG BANG we got it only one it destroyed our generator before we got it we must barricade as soon as possible.An old freind of punkoroma joined DD today seem like a good guy he will be running the gore warehouse with punko.

8th June 2007

the wankers i heard of lock in but locking out the landlord thats fucking crazy.ive tried to get there attension but they must think im a zed.soon zombies will be coming i can fight them off for a while.

9th June 2007

once again i awake out in the street a bite in my arm but non in my mouth this time.I assume it was one of the boys cheers mates aww the doors open today."the landlord is back get me a pint"

10th June 2007

Today i went on a DIY repair mission in the local area had a bit of a fight with some scum but i help secure another pub in the area this can hopefully be in this pub allience thing conan2 is sortin out.on my journey back i saw a big 10 foot billboard so i left my mark ,a recruitment advertisment hopefully many will see it and join our ranks.

17th June 2007

over the last couple of days we have surcured a few more safehouse.a rare ocurance today dozen of survivors on the streets we have started handing flyers out promoting DD and a chance to unite together the people of Lamport Hills as a nation against the dead.Lamport Hills is my home now and i want to defend it with my starting the refer to people of Lamport as LAMPORTIANS it has a nice ring to it.

20th June 2007

lamport looking saver less of the imigrant scum the Dead.Alot happen yesterday i stayed the night in a junkyard the home of a group called The 23rd Inquisitorial Strike Team i was able to make an allience with them, they seem like good guy low in numbers but verterns in this war.They said there gona come to see the bar soon and have a pint.also today private elroy of DD left and formed his own group CMC good luck to him and he is still very loyal and is only staying a stones throw away both these new alliences soon lamport will be a nation united.

22nd June 2007

coming in live from Ball mall with Dead Dudes me,punkoroma and adamkun say hello boys HELLO HELLO.getting some supplies and generators for our Lamportians at home.theres so many people here just like before infection but everybodys arms but still people having fun drinking swaping stories.Conan2 has gone to speak to our allies today to work out some plans more in-depth conversation ill catch up with him later.

28th June 2007

Today me and the help from conan2 we have got in touch with a few groups and randoms to meet in the towers today a meeting that we want to hold every week were everyone can say wot they thing should be done Lamport hills.i will be heading the meeting and recording them here i will get across my views about uniting as one nation and Lamport for Lamportians. 29th June 2007

meeting went well few attended but all high and part of different groups meeting will continue every point of action is surcuring everywhere re taking the mansion and lighting up lamport.I can see this meetings going well from now and this gives me the perfect oppertunity to get my political beliefs across to my fellow lamportians. 9th July 2007

Today i came across a a flyer on the street "HAVE YOUR SAY-COUNCIL OF LEADERS" promoting as asking people to vote for candidates in the malton goverment.This really interested me what better to get my beliefs across about lamport and the infestation of imergrants i will get onto it straight away and start my voting campaign in lamport.With the amount of people i know in lamport im bound to get plenty of votes.

11th July 2007

Since starting my campaign numbers in DD have risen and me and my officers have got together and started to revamp DD and make it a more organised military/political party with have already made division within dead dudes from soldiers,medics and spec-ops.we have even started redesign our logo and are produsing hundreds of posters and flyers and with mine and adams love of the third reich we have gone for very nazi symbolism(norse runes/mythology).DD is really starting to do somrthing for lamport and look more like a real organisation than a buntch of riff raffs and more good things are to come.

20th July 2007

This week for the first time since moving to lamport we have come across PKer scum and we have felt there wrath as many DD members and Confrence members have be wrongly killed by these sub-humans.there name Philosophe Knights there goals to educate civillians with unneccisary force.I have had a enough we as lamportians must do something about it and and drive these scum from our nation.

28th July 2007

i will be recording this very important DD meeting for footage in my documentary

DIKKI-well now everyone is here ill get a round in and start.u all know why we have come together,the problem with the i gather many members of DD,CN and i believe the 23rd have been killed by these scum.i know many of you are inraged and want revenge as do i,myself been killed by one PK twice but i do believe we can sort this out.i have spoken to a member through the forum and they have said they want to be allies with us i think this is a good idea as long as they stick to their word,as they are still human(sub-human) and war with them will make this suberb chaos as the war against the dead imergrants continues.i know commander wildcard believes we should come to an agreement with them.the PKnights numbers are large and war could be great yet chaotic at the same time.i surggest a meeting with these scum and to keep an eye on them.but if they continue i see no reason why lamportians should not burn these CUNTS to their a result i am going to set up a DD special force police division "(gustapo) to watch them and give out punishments to these...if u can call them humans.what do you my people and our closet allies 23rd think about the situation.

St Rafty-Gestapo are not enough. Abwher however... I dont see how we can trust them. Or how they can be our allies. Read their page. He came in isulting us and he should be brought to account

Wildcard5-Even though I think that we should go for peace, if we had a treaty with them it would be an uneasy one. Either way I'm prepared to rally the troops if necessary.

Dikki-Mastiphal wot do you think war with the PKer scum.people i need you all to vote and say war or peace i listen to my people and if the majority says either we will do that.personally i want revenge and together DD and allies and all lamportians we can destroy these scum.or there is an alternative keep as we are kill any PKnights we see instead of all out combat.please vote say war or peace.

Caliga said "a war could be costly for us, besides attacking them we would have to look after the resource points and not to mention rallying the rest of lamport behind us" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago) Caliga said "I myself was attacked at the conference aswell as Dikki and I want to find the scum that did it and show him the fury of my holy axe but we would have to have the numbers behind us for this to happen" (2 hours and 2 minutes ago) St Rafty said "War. We form the Abwher, we keep track of them, find and single out those repsonsible for the PK attacks, silence them, then go into talks with their leadership. Otherwise we look week." (1 hour and 35 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 19 minutes ago) St Rafty said "ahem..LAMPORTIA! LAMPORTIA! OH HOW GREAT YOU ARE! *windows shatter* NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER! WE KNOW THOU ART BETTER! TRA LA LA DIDLY DUUUUM! *bows*" (1 hour and 7 minutes ago) Caliga said "*claps at sr rafty* good song, but now your going to have to replace the windows :P well whatever you all decide I'll have to go back to my group with the terms, but we hate PKer's asmuch as the next good guy" (13 minutes ago) Caliga said "I along with afew other members have nearly broke out in a war against the maltorian inquisition for them PKing us, so we're use to it really" (11 minutes ago)

rafty nice song maybe you could write the lamport national anthum LOL Abwher i like the use of german military in DD(being neo nazi) that will be the name of our specail force.war seem to be an answer,we will fight them they are scum almost as bad as the final answer will come tomorrow once more people have given their say.caliga wait around have a pint.other DD members anything to say and what are CN views mastiphal.oh and thanks rafty for the PKnights radio channel 27.98 we can listen in.Dr Rem said "I think I missed the meeting. I am still on the look out for meatball king. I will respect the authority of our leaders, but I still want to make an example out of that guy. I will follow what the majority requests." (6 hours and 43 minutes ago) Mastiphal said "Kill them all." (5 hours and 23 minutes ago) SpittleBisquit said "Im going back out to hunt down the MeatBallKing! Barely made it back Im not going to put up with this!!!!!" (1 hour and 17 minutes ago) SpittleBisquit said "Yeah I know WildCard, Be non existant- good advice- but Im kinda Pissed....." (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)

St Rafty said "Dr Rem and and Spittle, we're all for revenge. We cant be shown to be too week. *Rings auto glass* Yeah Abwher it is. Gestapo were known much more covert and interesting lol. But a war will weaken us. We dont know what the Dead are up" (1 minute ago) St Rafty said "to so we must be prepaired. A hit strike on Meatball king needs to be done. But not their group, Im for diplomacy. But we need to stalk out certain members and wipe them out

ok this is the final answer WAR dont forget tho and this is important our main war is with the dead,the PKers second.well to battle.DD PREVAILS but as rafty says dont do it blatent do it secretive.

29th July 2007

only a day after this meeting i met with the PK leader and we discussed our problem after time i came to understand their beliefs and reasons for these murders and many pints later we were getting on really well.Pk apologised for all killing and promised it would not happen again.Both of us have decided to meet with the Lamport Confrence and sort out a truse with the PK.After all this chaos i need to relax if only there was weed in this nation wait if found a few of the revives i wonder if a human takes one."Dikki injects one into his arm and slumps to the fall in the most stoned state he has ever been on the brink of death it last an hour" I like.

1st august 2007

Meeting went very well PK were very freindly and we had no a groups we started to understand them and we pulled together a written contract of peace between the confrence members and the PK.the only catch was that PK were allowed to continue there ways but not towards us all groups accepted this and DD accepted as long as no DD witnesses these crimes.The only problem was an allie of ours Clan Nosferatu who refused to sign this contract what fools all they really want is war unlike us whole dont fuuly agree with PK ways but will befriend them for the good of lamport.I hope this treaty lasts and i think it will but i stiil think war will come to lamport not the war of the dead but war between CN and PK if that time comes DD will have to do something.

14th August 2007

its been a while since i did any footage so lets take you a walk."Dikki walks out of the arms to the street" as you can see the numbers of imergrants as of late has increased as you can see to the left there a few in the distance quiet safe at moment.also here right in front of the DD film studio and our local the sidney arms 8 bodies"Scum fucking imergrants -Dikki shouts and stomps on one of the heads with his doc matins.walks back into arms." Denis Pint" so lets show you the arms now things have changed we are still not overly barricaded allowing people in for a place to sleep or for a pint before the mission off.We now have guns and ammo rack by the pool table and many DD posters and flags are pinned to the walls.we had a bad night four scum broke in pulling one member to the streets and infecting a few you can see there are a number of people here 7 members of DD Dr rem, Finn mccall, castleknock, AdamKun joint leader and close friend "Hay Dude" spittlebisquit and head of medtech pissed up like usual at the end of the bar Denis "Dikki you you filming me like just old days, even reeembbbbber the line ZOMBIES WILL RISE IN DRAGUR " denis even now you start cant get the line right.and next to me in my favoured nationlist Abwehr deptarment leader St. Rafty "Hello mine Führer just want to go over the patrol routes and Yagoton mission-Dikki moves the camera away you hear quiet taking but nothing is made out....thyen we are back.Sorry about that people had some important buisness. well Lamport today peace with PK still trying to get involved with CMC more through Briggso their alliences with smith arm regulars and freelances one of them drinking at the bar there going well.CoL elections goning very well but could be better we will find out soon enough the final votes.thats all to report next time might be in zombie infested suberb of yagoton helping fellow maltians.

30th Augest 2007

rough footage,gun fire,explostions moans then a cry

" retreat " "No my baby shes fallen"

people run out doors shooting

19th December 2007

Lamport is covered in snow,thoes buildings that have power have christmas lights hanhging and some festive graftti.ive just got back in town after sidney arms fell it was devistating to me and i lost it.The horde of zeds destroyed most of malton but finally moved on.I wanded for ages and ages finnally i became me again and returned home through very rough nights.Now a stronger man.ive met with the last members of DD we are starting fresh after x-mas.x-mas my first one since the outbreak it will be weird i think a nice drink and the last steaks from the kitchen freezer.well if dont speak again Happy Christmas and a Fucked Up New Year.

12th May 2008

the camera turns on.....all that is seen is the bloody ground.....the camera moves (POV) as the camera man stands to his feet....he stumbles as he slowly walks forward..... a man is seen running in the distance ....then a roar is heard from behind the camera....the camera man starts to moves faster....the man is grabbed and dragged to the floor by the moaning camera man....the man screams in agoney as we see blood spray all around covering the camera lens.....all goes silent....the camera turns off.

16th November 2010

(we see someone fiddling with the camera on a tripod)....I hope this fucking thing still works....fuck sack.... come on...there we go.A man sits in front of the camera on a stool, he wears all black with red braces and shoe laces.we notice its Dikki looking aged and with almost shoulder lengh hair.he speks "wow its been a long time since ive done this....well im reporting in from the sidney arms again a few years later....ive just got back in town ive been absent along time...i believe i was one of them even though i dont want to admit it...but now im back in the world of the living....ive been travelling for the past few months trying to return to my beloved Lamport Hills planning what to do on my return hoping that DD is still running....unfortunatley i have returned to find out they are not but when i returned i did see a familular face M60 who has informed me rafty tried to keep DD running for as long as he could but in the end they fell to the scum...he also informs me the LHC that i sent up years ago is still up and running and that the PKknights , IMG 101 and The Smith Arms Regulars are still keeping it going along with a new group a buntch of fine lamportian steel workers....i wil go and pay the new LHC a visit as soon as i get myself back in gear...first things first is getting this place back into a good state.(dikki moves the camera to show the pubs current state) as you can see not a great deal has changed, a few DD flags remain, we still have beer and theres still real denis puke stains on the wall....ah its good to be home lol...someones sprayed "What happened to all the Dead Dudes" onto the wall whick saddens me...but i hope to have a family again maybe not DD but something and hopefully some of the old boy may return one day....thats enough of my untill next time Sleep Well Lamport

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