UDWiki:Open Discussion/Convention

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The basic idea is to hold a convention based on, and around, Urban Dead in real life. It could include cos-play based on your characters,... ect. Truth be known, there are a lot of different places people play from. That said, I was thinking about several coordinated events around the world. Maybe we could use Skype, and see who's at the other conventions, and what not. What ever the case may be,... I'm looking to see if there's any real interest in this. Let me know below. -EstacadoTalk 02:47, 24 November 2010 (UTC)


Personally, I'd say hold one in London. Hold it in a pub - a big one - midweek. Simple fact is there's little traditional convention-y stuff to be done, no merchandise or vendors or displays or seminars or what have you. A good old get-together is the more likely scenario. That said, the alternative would be to organise an in-game event for each convention, and have everyone meet in a public space with computers (a university campus, internet cafe, etc) and have some sort of real-time co-ordinated event. Probably before the drinking, but I'd say also after the drinking. Also, is the Big Brother house still actually standing? An American one might even be able to do something in Monroeville, too. We're coming to get you, Barbara 03:09, 24 November 2010 (UTC)


having one in Newcastle, NSW would have a guaranteed 20 maybe, if I got the best of the BBK to turn up. It'd have to be pub based though.

I know many AU UD players, none of which have ever wanted to get together (I used to talk about a big au meeting for a while now). Link, Boxy, Cyberbob, Revenant would be a few celebs we'd want to come. And of course Grim. God that'd be hilarious. Seeing Read/Jed in the same room as Grim and Cyberbob would probably scare me.

Oh, and the wiki would have to be prepared for one hell of a vandal attack later... -- LEMON #1 12:15, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

heheheh...this would have been kind fun to see a few years back...now though, not so many players left anymore, especially the more memorable ones. Other than the wiki crew here, the meta game aspect seems dormant. A lot of the usual forums where people would converse are shells of their former selves.--Dr summeroff 15:07, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
That's one of the concerns I've actually had. Skype would be an option. It's free. We could hold the seminar at a particular time, in each time zone, and just skype everything... -EstacadoTalk 23:31, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

The idea is cute but I don't see this happen just like that. The community is small in itself. Dividing it into three meeting points (US, UK, Aus) doesn't help that. Finding a place and time that fits in everybody's schedule is next to impossible. I'm sure DDR & crew can set-up something up; it seems many of them live relatively close. But the people who have to travel quite a bit (and therefore, spend a bit), that isn't as easy. And if you want to spend time into the late night hours, people will need a place to stay. Also timezones. Also, I could go on and on. There are just so many factors to be taken into consideration.

Conventions like these are always great on paper. But in the end, this takes allot of time and money. Assets which students (which is most of the playerbase) usually don't posses in large quantities. Yeah, I'm being a pessimist :/ --Umbrella-White.pngThadeous OakleyUmbrella-White.png 16:23, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

One word... Killjoy. -EstacadoTalk 23:30, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

Probably easier to just make the UD presence felt at bigger conventions first?--Undeadite.jpgSurfincow 21:47, 27 November 2010 (UTC)