Hello! *waves jerkily, sending fine droplets of blood flying*..Oops, sorry, hehe...^_^;
My ingame name is Aren Tusof (I won't disclose my real name, ever!! >8O)and my zambah character (found at this link:Aren Tusof) is if given a description, a pale haggard looking dead squint/geek who still loves to use computers just as much as when he was alive, but few comps survive his now clumsy handling of them...oh well, shit happens. Oh, and my characters name's an anagram so feel free to try and figure it out =P.
I'm part of Feral Undead atm, although I'm not much of a vulture in the sense that I actively try to help my fellow brethren into a barricaded building no matter the group, groan so more can join in the fun, ransack and drag survivors out into the street so everyone can have a bite. There's after all nothing like dining with family and friends ;P. The typical undead (a little less social loafing) lifestyle I suppose ^_^.
Szmazh ahn grab zambah braghran!
Feral Undead | |
This user or group agrees with Feral Undead. Vultures are fucking cool. |
Proud To Be Dead | |
Aren is a zombie and proud of it. |
Zombie River Tactics | |
I am the void that devours all. |
Atheist | |
Aren is an atheist. |
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. This user or group espouses Tidal Tactics |