Talk:Anti Anti-Zombie Squad
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Ah. Your hate-filled tears are sweet and refreshing, Ain Synagoga.
They had actual PKing experience and outnumbered us.
Didn't work. Toodles. --Penguinpyro 21:29, 29 May 2011 (BST)
P.S. Keep wearing the AZS tag, AinSynagoga. It'll just boost our group ratings on the stats page. Thanks and bye. --Penguinpyro 21:45, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Your assumptions are ill conceived. Yes AinSynagoga is a member of our group, that I won't deny. Every member of the AAZS is more or less encouraged to wear the AZS tag and do hineous acts of utter villainy such as writing profanities on walls serving as propaganda against the AZS, my regards to Dragei (*hmpf* Dra-gei? Really?) and xoxx, more will follow and in the end all AZS will leave our historical capital, West Grayside whether walking or in body bags.
- P.S. That's not an actual letter you dummy. You don't have to use P.S. it is more or less self implied Leader of the AAZS 21:54, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Ah. Sweet and delicious. Keep the tears of hate flowing.--Penguinpyro 22:14, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. it's spelled "heinous"--Penguinpyro 22:15, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- The clock is ticking. Soon you will leave West Grayside as the AAZS have commanded, West Grayside being the suburb you the AZS pollute with your pking activities at the moment. I advice you personally to move out of the Younghusband Arms as our ever present scouts have informed me of you sleeping there. When you move screenshots of all the West Grayside area will be taken proving that you complied by the demands of our glorious and all powerful group. Leader of the AAZS 22:24, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Keep on trucking, Ain Synagoga. Mmmmm..... tears. Tears of hatred. The best kind. Your tears refresh my soul and make my spirit soar. Truly a culinary experience. --Penguinpyro 22:28, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. I'd almost rather have your tears over my tequila. They're just that refreshing, Ain.--Penguinpyro 22:28, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Spoken like a true trenchie that assumes people can actually hate other people due to a web based game of clicking a plethora of buttons.Leader of the AAZS 22:37, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- OHHHH YES. Jackpot baby! I can smell the tears from here! Thank you Ain, thank you! My gosh, it'll be enough to spice up our tequila for months! Thank you soooo much.--Penguinpyro 22:40, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Spoken like a true trenchie that assumes people can actually hate other people due to a web based game of clicking a plethora of buttons.Leader of the AAZS 22:37, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- The clock is ticking. Soon you will leave West Grayside as the AAZS have commanded, West Grayside being the suburb you the AZS pollute with your pking activities at the moment. I advice you personally to move out of the Younghusband Arms as our ever present scouts have informed me of you sleeping there. When you move screenshots of all the West Grayside area will be taken proving that you complied by the demands of our glorious and all powerful group. Leader of the AAZS 22:24, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks beer, chugs shotgun*--Penguinpyro 22:40, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- You can pretend you are drinking alcohol all you want. You are not even old enough to be drinking, so you are effectively roleplaying an adult, only a child would make such a fuss about alcohol, thinking that it automatically makes them cool. Leader of the AAZS 22:43, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- You're right. Why am I chugging filthy old beer when I can have all the delicious tequila and your tears that I want, AinSynagoga? Well, maybe play a game of
beerAAZS tears pong after this? --Penguinpyro 22:47, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- You're right. Why am I chugging filthy old beer when I can have all the delicious tequila and your tears that I want, AinSynagoga? Well, maybe play a game of
- You can pretend you are drinking alcohol all you want. You are not even old enough to be drinking, so you are effectively roleplaying an adult, only a child would make such a fuss about alcohol, thinking that it automatically makes them cool. Leader of the AAZS 22:43, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks beer, chugs shotgun*--Penguinpyro 22:40, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks tequila, chugs shotgun* I'm totally radical and hip, baby. --Penguinpyro 22:47, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- "Radical"? Haha, seriously, is this some kind of obscure math reference asperger sufferers use, or are you trying to sound cool using 90's obsolete MTV catcphrases? Are you locked in a basement or something, this is the 21st century.Leader of the AAZS 22:53, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Help, help, I'm stuck in my basement in the 20th century! Oh my god, my aspergers is eating me ALIVE. Oh god nooooo save meeeeee........Hi. I am penguinpyro. I sperg' all the time. Here is a very long list of shit I care about but you do not, since I sperg and I do not care. --Penguinpyro 22:58, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks totally hep n' radical tequila, beer, gin, vermouth, whiskey, merlot, chardonnay, pie, brandy and rum, chugs shotgun and katanas and uzis, starts spergin'*--Penguinpyro 22:58, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- "Radical"? Haha, seriously, is this some kind of obscure math reference asperger sufferers use, or are you trying to sound cool using 90's obsolete MTV catcphrases? Are you locked in a basement or something, this is the 21st century.Leader of the AAZS 22:53, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks tequila, chugs shotgun* I'm totally radical and hip, baby. --Penguinpyro 22:47, 29 May 2011 (BST)
Moar PS- You're forgetting to sign your entries, and then going back to edit and add your sig. A mistake characteristic of Ain Synagoga, as I saw before. My 1337 analytical powers of Asspergerism tell me so.--Penguinpyro 23:00, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Hopefully one day dad will teach you how to open your first beer bottle by yourself as well.Leader of the AAZS 23:10, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- UWAAAAAAAAAAH. DAAAAADDDDYYYYY I CAN'T OPEN UP MY TEQUILA BOTTLE with my shotguns, katanas and Uzis. UWAAAAAAAAH. *cocks tequila, chugs shotgun*--Penguinpyro 23:12, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. Sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg sperg--Penguinpyro 23:12, 29 May 2011 (BST
- PPS. Did I mention I don't need to open a bottle to get at your delicious
Just don't try those cheep chinese beer brands, I heard they explode just like those pesky chinese Christmass lights.Leader of the AAZS 23:17, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Amen, brother! Those fucking commies can't get anything right.--Penguinpyro 23:19, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- P.S. *cocks non-Chinese tequila, chugs non-chinese Christmas lights* --Penguinpyro 23:19, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Aren't you chinese yourself? Ain told me so.Leader of the AAZS 23:22, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Ni hao, shiao hun dan. Ching ching chong chong ching ching chong chong. --Penguinpyro 23:24, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- PS Pita pita pita zeus zeus zeus.--Penguinpyro 23:24, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Are denying your heritage right now? Isn't the ancient paper dragon going to be pissed, you know, the one a dozen chinese dudes get under and make it move spastically like it has parkinson's?Leader of the AAZS 23:36, 29 May 2011 (BST)
- Aren't you chinese yourself? Ain told me so.Leader of the AAZS 23:22, 29 May 2011 (BST)