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Revision as of 23:35, 8 August 2011 by Lintire (talk | contribs) (Another update, another day)
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Field Journal

Great Success! Finally managed to bother to get a page up for this! Oh yes, oh yes, IC, *cough*. Will be updated with a relevant picture very soon soon-ish.



Been a while since I've last scribbled in this book. I've reestablished contact with Cobra, and have managed to achieve full initiation to boot, despite my inability to record kills. Out of the 18 kills I have listed, about 12 have been recorded. But you don't tend to forget a kill. At least, don't tend to forget that you've done it.
I've managed to learn basically everything there is to learn about surviving in Malton. And I've managed to learn quite a bit about killing in Malton, too, although there's always room for improvement. Still not on that RG Gallery, although since my last scribble the stupid boards have seen an update.
Now my interests basically circle around killing and keeping classy. Legitimate concerns. Peace out.



Hasn't been update for a whole week. This is exactly the kind of rate you want to be updating at, but whatever. Here's an obligatory scribble.
Having some real troubles getting back in contact with Cobra, and this is really starting to get on my nerves. They're pretty cool guys, and I'm very much unlikely to get past the recruiting stage unless I'm able to remain active. I'll try at a another time.
Tried my hand at a "WPKU" kill. Forgot to broadcast my name and location, but then again that seems to be a staple of a greenhorn, and I'm still small fry. As detailed by managing to bunk with a couple of bounty hunters and be none the worse for wear, and to top it off having a another PKer PKed right in front of me while I did said bunking.
Never did take off my hat to that fellow. I don't wear a hat, but it's the thought that counts.


Well, if it isn't time for another update. I've managed to die, get revivified, PKed another unlucky bastard, and basically move across the entire city within the last few days. Haven't been able to contact my group due to, well, communication problems so that's not too great.
Seems to just really drag on as of late. Kinda hard to just restock and shoot a person or two then just get on with your business. I'll stick around here, for now, and hopefully that'll be enough to rack up the kills for a bit, but already some people are going around blabbing that I kill smucks. And one of them was for a guy I hadn't even finished off. Bleaurgh.
Just a quick scribble in this book to update it. Peace out.


Strike another two up on the tallyboard. They'll certainly be remembering the last near-sonic projectiles to enter their brain matter, even if this stupid RG Gallery doesn't.
Oh yeah, turns out that Malton, or whats left of it, actually has a system for weeding out people who kill other people. They get bounties placed on their head, which is fun for everyone. Unfortunately, I can't seem to end up on it, despite brutalizing the fuck out of people in malls and going after targets who belong in somewhat renowned groups.
Seriously, is that thing even used? I know I shouldn't be trying to have absolutely all of Malton's pro-survivors try to maul my face, but even a small bounty would be a nice thought.
(A crudely-drawn sad face appears)
Also woke up with zombies clawing at my face. Another minute and I'd be a dead man. Serves me right for bunking at a TRP, although now I'm just limping around at half health; not a good position to be in. "Crack", as Cobra refers to it. They're a pretty cool bunch.


So much for waiting a while until I scribbled in this thing again. Just updating to timestamp that not only have I killed again, which isn't saying much but there you go, but I've actually meant to join up with a group of survivors that have exactly the same interests as I do; killing people.
An odd bunch, but I managed learn a heap off them and that will heap itself in the long run. Hey, this is a lot of fun!


It took a lot longer to get a second kill, longer then what I would have liked. Nonetheless, was a lot of fun to take down a standing rotter.
I think I'm getting used to this whole PKing ordeal; basically consists of getting ammo, capping someone then legging it. This time I even found the voice to deliver a catchy, civilized tune this time.
(a crudely draw smiley face appears)
Anyway, turns out there's entire group of people across this damned city dedicated to giving the locals something to whine over. I'll scope them out - who knows, perhaps joining one is the smart thing to do?


I doubt that the logs in this journal are going to be as frequent after this, but I figured I may as well say it.
After so long spent preparing, spent working the nerve to actually do so after so long spent working under that creed of not raising a hand against another survivor, I did it. I got my first kill. I wish I'd taken a picture of the event, but considering the group that the guy belonged to, it won't go unnoticed.
It was so easy... I felt like I could have killed everyone in the room, had I choosed to do so. As it was, I delivered a line and got the fuck out of there, and I'm hiding out a long ways away from the kill site. Too bad the bastard wasn't somewhere with more witnesses.
It was exhilarating. This is a great beginning to a new career.


They're disbanded. My old crew, the "Deck of 52", they're all long gone. I've managed to glean that they've been PK'ed, harassed, ill-managed, and generally useless to everyone since I left them. Fuck them. Bunch of trenchcoat bastards. I'll be keeping this nifty armband, though. Good for keeping out the stench.
Speaking of stench, the suburb here is in shambles, and my miserable additions to the cades and FAKing are basically proving good-for-nothing. The survivors here outnumber the zeds 3 to 1 and they're managing to still lose resource-points.
On the bright side, I picked up more ammo from the mall in the last day then I have in the past month. I'm no longer completely useless. Well, killing zombies is useless, but I have to admit, but there's more then one way to skin a cat.
By which I mean I fully plan to shoot the shit out of some survivors the next chance I get. Hope no pro-survivor reads this, that would be... weird...
I'll update in a while. Shouldn't take too long, a few more stocking trips.


Wow, okay. Though that I may as well start writing a little journal, some pissy little book I picked out of the Ackland Mall. May as well start by introducing myself. The name's Lintire, used to be Private Labados but who gives a fuck about that sort of thing now anyway. It's been, well, I don't know how long since since I was air-dropped here. Voluntary, too. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I only just came to a couple of days ago. I've been out of it for a while, but I'm alive now and intend to keep it that way. People don't die here. Even the dead ones, the "zeds" as other survivors keep calling them, they don't stay dead. People just keep fighting until they run out of energy. Sonuva bitches would have impressed my old Drill Sargent, that's for sure.
A group of survivors are trying to rebuild the local mall. Say they came from a place called "Reddit" or whatever. I'll see if I can help somehow, but for the most part I'm just wondering what happened to my old crew.
Eh, that's enough for now, I'll come back to this little booklet in a few days. Got to keep track of the time somehow, right?