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Revision as of 22:45, 5 October 2011 by RobOppenheimer (talk | contribs)
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Arrival in Malton

A flash and the chalkboards disappear only to be replaced by the interior of a derelict building. A young Julian Robert Oppenheimer turns in a half circle attempting to gain his bearings. Had the experiment been successful? If this level of destruction was the conclusion how is it that Oppenheimer had survived?

Noticing the ragged corner of a newspaper partially revealed by an overturned desk the man, the ragged confused scientist, stoops to inspect it in hopes of gaining some understanding of his situation.

The paper's masthead reads "The Malton Gazette". Malton? What happened to Los Alamos?

Current Experiment

Having arrived in Malton via unknown and mysterious means Oppenheimer has set about familiarizing himself with the city and its current state. Despite his ability to grasp complex scientific principal and theories being deposited with little fanfare in the midst of a zombie outbreak has left him a little at a loss. Luckily he was quickly able to procure a fire axe from a storeroom in the ruined building he has taken shelter in. That should at least provide some protection from the dark shapes shambling about through the empty streets that he has spied through the boarded up windows.
