Dead vs Blue/Webcomic

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On August 21st, 2006, Krimsin unveiled the beginning of a new Urban Dead-based webcomic, Dead vs Blue. It was created using stick figures on macromedia Flash 5 and was well-accepted by the red vs blue community he posted the comics on. It didn't take long for him to find a domain for his comics at, and on September 6, 2006 he created the Dvb Freewebs Site. However, even a freewebs domain proved to be difficult for him to deal with in terms of functionality. So, on October 26, 2006, Dead vs Blue moved yet again, this time to, a site specifically for hosting webcomics. The Freewebs DvB site has since stopped updating. DvB Smackjeeves.


Dead vs Blue is arranged into chapters, so far, there are four:

Chapter One: Welcome to the Nix Building

Chapter One is set at July 3rd, 2005, at the very beginning of Urban Dead's outbreak. It introduces most of the main characters, and tells a little bit about how the group DvB formed. This chapter follows the events inside The Nix Building at the time of the outbreak. The zombie virus is released, and eventually the survivors escape via a Necrotech helicopter on the Building's roof (EvilMe is accidentally left behind).

Chapter Two: The Battle of Treweeke

Chapter Two is set about a year later, where DvB has long since been established and the human survivors have built a pseudo-community in Malton since they are unable to leave.

The Battle of Treweeke is about the Big Bash (an army of zombies that travel through Malton destroying everything) when they attack Treweeke Mall in the suburb of Dulston. In this chapter, there is very few comics actually pertaining to the battle itself, the rest is either the survivors preparing for the battle, or a fairly small group of DvB members who are sent to protect The Whitlock building, which is their fallback point should the mall be taken by zombies. When the DvB arrives there, they find not zombies, but some very random ninjas. the ninjas attack the DvB members until the Left-handed Jesus (another DvB member) steps in and takes out a few ninjas. Afterwards, the ninjas leave, however they also kidnap one of the DvB, Speedy07. At the end of the chapter, the members return to Treweeke Mall to find it ransacked by the zombies. They find Officer murphy barricaded in the manager's office, and Murphy begins the set up for Chapter Three.

Chapter Three: To V or not to V

The third chapter involves Officer Murphy, EvilMe, and Left Handed Jesus travelling to Fort Creedy to rescue Speedy from the ninjas. On the way there (through a great deal of cold weather because it's almost winter at that point) they meet V. V is a terrorist planning to blow up fort Creedy on the fifth of November.

V and the group collaborate to infiltrate the fort, rescue Speedy, and then destroy the fort entirely, unfortunately, they waste too much time and are far enough away from the Fort to not be blown up, but only knocked unconscious. This chapter also contains some random parts that are set back at Treweeke Mall where the rest of the Dulstonians are helping to rebuild, playing games, throwing things, and generally screwing around.

Chapter Four: Kersley Manor

The fourth chapter is a bit shorter than the first three. In it, Krimsin, The Bad, Aerith, and Jesse make their way through Malton to Kersley Manor, wherein the ninjas have once again taken it over. They break in, and have a climactic battle with the ninjas, only to be interrupted by Detective Tanner, who is killed by Urbanhunter after a few minutes. Afterwards, Krimsin uses his power as the author of the comic to use Desu Ex Machina to resolve the chapter, signified by stock footage of a large nuclear explosion.

The Dead vs Blue Movie

Krimsin promised to make a Flash Movie adaptation of Dead vs Blue at one point, but the project failed to get much farther than the scripting stage due to the inactivity of his voice actors. The movie was to feature the events between comic #25 and #26 (a gap was left between the two especially for the purpose of making the Flash Movie about it.) and was set at the point in Chapter Two where the group is guarding The Whitlock Building. Production on the movie is not expected to be revived.

Running Gags

A few of DvB's recurring jokes are Got-shot-in-the-face Syndrome, (an aptly named condition for which there is no cure) The dumpster joke, (Dead bodies, clones, and even small aircraft are found inside a random dumpster) as well as many references to Half-life 2 and the webcomic, Concerned.


These are the comic's characters, in order of appearance:


The first actual character introduced into the comic. first seen in comic #2, Krimsin is a member of Dead vs Blue and a Corporal Field Medic in Malton's military force. He has the curious bad fortune to get hit in the head with a keyboard on numerous occasions.

Cheese N. Rice

Doctor Rice (usually called Cheeser) was the second character to be featured in the comic. Also first seen in comic #2, Cheeser, like Krimsin, becomes a member of DvB. Before the outbreak he had a job as a Necrotech employee. Cheeser is dedicated to finding out what caused the outbreak as well as many other mysteries surrounding Malton and Necrotech.


EvilMe is a Sergeant Medical Officer in Malton's army. First introduced at the end of comic #4, she carries around a shotgun, wears a long black coat and uses improbable gravity-defying martial arts against the zombies - to great effect. She also joins DvB.

Dr. Jesse

Originally a surgeon, Jesse was first seen in Comic #6, hiding in a room with Private Jacobi. When Krimsin approaches, Jesse is forced to hit him in the face with a keyboard, thus setting the running joke in motion. He joins up with DvB.

Private Jacobi

Before the outbreak, Jacobi actually knew Krimsin. Unlike Krimsin or EvilMe, Jacobi is infantry, not a medic. He joins DvB along with the others. He is first seen in comic #6 with Dr. Jesse, wielding an empty pistol. Jacobi's nickname is "Grooveman2". Krimsin asks Jacobi who "Grooveman1" is, but Jacobi insists there is no Grooveman1, despite the comic briefly cutting to an image of someone who looks exactly like Jacobi (presumably Grooveman1) lying dead in a dumpster.

Aerith Gainsborugh

Just after her first appearance in comic #10, Aerith is promptly bitten by a zombie, whom she kills with a fire axe. Aerith Gainsborugh is a reference to the game Final Fantasy VII in which is featured a character by the same name, except the DvB's Aerith has a missing "O" in her last name. In Dead vs Blue, her name is "Gainsborugh" instead of "Gainsborough".

Officer Murphy

Murphy is the co-founder of Dead vs Blue along with Officer Larith. He is first seen in Comic #10 rushing to the aid of Aerith with the rest of his group. Murphy is the main administrator of Dead vs Blue, and helps it become established along with Larith.


Originally a pilot for the Malton Military (Air Force?) Urbanhunter is also introduced in Comic #10. Besides being the one to fly everyone out of the Nix Building in a helicopter, little is actually known about him. Much later in the comic, Detective Tanner eventually points out Urbanhunter's flaws (Urbanhunter had disappeared from the group until that moment in which he inexplicably reappears) in how he "Flew the helicopter in Chapter One and then we never saw you again", urging him to "Fucking do something". Urbanhunter obliges and makes himself a more memorable shooting Tanner in the head.


Speedy07 is with Murphy's group during comic #10. His profession is unknown. In Comic #10, he claims that there are six other Speedy's just like him, hence the number 07 at the end of his name. When asked where the other Speedy's are, he quickly makes up the ridiculous excuse that he "left them in his other pants". Just before he says this, there is again a panel featuring six clones of Speedy lying dead in a dumpster, which continues the joke started with Grooveman1.

Private Parts

Parts has a brief cameo in Comic #19. After he leaves, Murphy and Larith begin to laugh about his name (which is an obvious pun).

Officer Larith

Along with Murphy, Larith is one of the two co-founders of Dead vs Blue. First seen making a joke about Private Parts' name in Comic #19 with Murphy, Larith makes few appearances afterwards.

The Randomness Ninjas

The Random Ninjas are first seen in Comic #22. What sets these ninjas apart from ordinary ninjas is their tendency to use non-conventional and entirely random and inappropriate items (such as apple-cores, empty cans, and the like) along with implements one would expect a ninja to use. In Comic #36 it is revealed the ninjas have been hired by General Aaron to capture Speedy07 (which they accomplish in Comic #25).

Left-handed Jesus

The Left-handed Jesus (commonly known as "Lefty") is first introduced in comic #25, killing a Random Ninja before he is able to kick Cheeser in the head. Lefty is by no means the real Jesus, although he does wear a white robe at all times, and when he is introduced he is seen with a yellow glow emanating out from him.


V was originally a character from the comic (and then the movie) called "V for Vendetta", but was adapted to stick-figure form in the comic. First appearing in Comic #30, V is on a mission to destroy Fort Creedy with explosives (which he does in comic #35). Wearing a hat, Guy Fawkes mask, and cape, just like the character in the movie and comic, V speaks much like the original V, talking in riddles, pointing out stupid questions and making people question themselves. V is however potrayed a bit more humourously in certain parts. It is interesting to note that in Urban Dead there is an actual character called Codename V who acts like the character from the movie (with good success, he has managed to spur survivors to rise up against the zombie hordes on multiple occasions).

General Aaron Creedy

The General first appears in Comic #36, talking to a tied-up Speedy07. As his name suggests, Aaron is the general of Malton's army. Fort Creedy was named after Aaron's grandfather, and he is none too pleased at its destruction by V. Creedy hired the Random Ninjas to capture Speedy and bring him here to bait DvB and V to Fort Creedy. Aaron expected them to fight eachother, but instead they joined forces and destroyed the fort together. General Aaron is a character from the Urban Dead Outbreak_Lexicon. While some people do not consider the Lexicon canon with the Urban Dead story as it is fan-created, it has been incorporated into the Dead vs Blue comic.

The Grey Ninja

The Grey Ninja's motives are completely unknown, but it is certain that he is working against General Creedy and the other Random Ninjas. He is first seen in Comic #37 climbing on the walls hidden by shadow, and finally half-emerges from the darkness wielding a dagger. In the next comic he cuts Speedy and Murphy's ropes and they are freed. The grey Ninja can also be seen leaping across the roof of Treweeke Mall in Comic #39. In panels 4 and 5 of Comic #43, certain letters of Cheeser's text is highlighted green. When all the green letters are arranged in order, they spell out "the grey Ninja". In Comic #49, he appears seemingly out of nowhere using a smoke bomb and has a brief but kinetic martial arts fight with EvilMe in Comic #50. At the end of the fight, the ninja is stabbed in the head by EvilMe, and instantly disappears in another puff of smoke. However Krimsin has stated that The Grey Ninja did in fact survive somehow, and will return.

It should be noted that the real in-game Grey Ninja is part of the Shadows of Hell group. (see below)

The Bad

The Bad's name (his real name is Marvin, but this is only explained on his actual Urban Dead profile)comes from a joke which has two other people - The Good and The Ugly - in it. The Bad only appears in Comic #42 sitting on a couch between Private Jacobi and Dr. Jesse, and his name is never actually said, nor does he say anything. The Bad is expected to be one of the main characters in the Dead vs Blue Movie, voiced by The Bad's actual player on Urban Dead. In Comic #46 The Bad has dialogue but his name is still not mentioned.

The Shadows of Hell

Some sort of evil death cult that appeared in Comic #51, this mysterious organization has one clear motive: to kill anyone they see, and steal their soul. Wearing black robes and carrying vicious curved daggers, the Shadows meet Krimsin and Cheeser, and attack them. Krimsin is killed, but Cheeser escapes, returning to collect Krimsin's body later on. Even after being revived, however, Krimsin does little else besides twitch uncontrollably and punch himself in the face. Only once the Shadows return Krimsin's soul (after deciding they don't want the soul of someone so idiotic) does he return to normal. The primary emblem of the Shadows of Hell seems to be a large black spider.


Hal's real name is Halnaq'zshakdaarnath, but Krimsin simply called him Hal when they first met, he is also called Hal by Hells Fargo, the leader of the group, which could imply that his name is not normal even among the Shadows of Hell, but is in fact just very long and peculiar, and may be the product of sadistic parents. Hal appears to be some sort of Lieutenant of the Shadows of Hell, as he does not wear a hood like the other members do, and he reports directly to the cult's leader, Hells Fargo. Hal seems to have superhuman speed, because at one point he chases after the 2003 Chrysler Lebaron going 40 (whether it is 40 miles or 40 kilometers is unknown, but largely unimportant, as human beings cannot normally reach either of these speeds when simply running). He also has the ability to steal the souls of others using some kind of magical ability. It is presumed that the other Shadows possess these abilities as well.

Hells Fargo

Hells Fargo is first introduced in Comic #61, and is the leader of the Shadows of Hell. His real name is Wells Fargo (after the Wells Fargo Bank), but was unofficially changed to Hells Fargo after destroying a Wells Fargo building full of zombies with a molotov cocktail. Once a member of Dead vs Blue, Fargo inexplicably left the group one day to found the Shadows. His reasons for doing so are unknown, just like the reasons for the harvesting of souls by the cult. Like Hal, Fargo does not wear a hood, which seems to be a recurring theme among the higher-ranked members of the Shadows of Hell.

Detective Tanner

Tanner is an agent working for the Coalition for Realistic Gameplay. In chapter Four he kicks down the door of Kersley Manor and proceeds to point out the various flaws, inconsistencies, or absurdities of some of the characters in Dead vs Blue. He appears to have knowledge of events in the comic that he did not witness himself (although it can be presumed that the Coalition has hidden cameras or other information-gathering techniques). Tanner is soon killed by Urbanhunter in Comic #77.