Journal:Amy Flood

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Amy Flood has been through a lot since moving to Malton. Here are some excerpts from her journal.

1 August 2004

I've moved out of London, and into Billy's flat in Malton. He grumbled about having to share his space with his little sister, but I think he might be happy to have me here? Anyway, it's a lovely flat. My bedroom here is much bigger than my bedroom back home. We're up on the tenth floor of the building, in the northeast corner. I feel like we can see everything up here.

Billy's told me he won't be around much, since he's working most of the time at the fire house. That's alright, though. I figure I won't be around much, either. I'll be at university soon, and I need to do well if I have any hope of becoming a doctor.

Mum and dad (they're staying the night, then they'll drive back to London) just called me. I suppose we're going to eat now. I'll probably write later.

31 October 2004

Well, that was horrifying. I went to this stupid Halloween party, because I thought it might be fun. Instead, I was harassed and assaulted and none of it was fun at all. Some blokes at the party all offended. OFFENDED. Because my Princess Leia costume wasn't "sexy" enough. I wasn't at the party five minutes (I hadn't even had time to get a drink!) when they started bothering me about it. It was all, "Geek, why don't you show more skin like all the other girls?" I asked them to leave me alone, said I wasn't there for their gratification. They persisted, and, naturally, things escalated. Next thing I knew, one of them was trying to cop a feel over my dress. Another was trying to get inside my dress. No one, and I mean NO ONE, tried to help me. Fortunately, they didn't try to keep me when I ran. And, I did. I ran straight home. And now I'm here.

Another thing that I'm bothered by is that I wasn't even there long enough for anyone to compliment my costume. I spent hours doing my hair. Mine was the only decent one at the whole party. The girls were all in skimpy dresses. The men put on hats, and that was it. Well, one of those predatory jackals had rather convincing zombie facepaint. I suppose he did alright. If only he knew to keep his hands to himself.

Fuck people.

4 July 2005

I've never been so glad to live in this flat with my brother. I mean, I've always liked it, but right now I love it. Billy's here with me. Yesterday, there'd been reports of some new illness that was causing aggression much like rabies, except it wasn't rabies. Today, everything is insane. Billy called in sick (he isn't actually), told me not to go out. He even barricaded the front door. So, we're watching the news, and occasionally looking down at the mayhem. People are rioting. The military has been called in to maintain peace, but they're failing miserably. Occasionally, you can see some authority figure being taken down by one of the sick people. If we look east to the city limits, it looks as if a wall is being erected. The television hasn't said anything about it, though.

In other news, I got an email from Eric today. It was his usual "England sucks. AMERICA RULES" email, right on time. He's such an idiot. I'd like to get back to America sometime soon. Yes, it's a strange place and most of the people aren't too bright, but Uncle Steve and Aunt Jeanie live there. And Eric. And my cousins, too. According to Dad, Tommy has moved to California to become a writer. I'm not sure why he'd ever want to leave Indiana. I certainly didn't.

The news has updated. I'll write more in a bit.