Category talk:Danger Reports

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Ransacked danger level not listed with Building Danger Levels

This probably isn't so much of a big deal to everyone, but this is just something I found odd.

At one time, I saw an image for a 'ransacked' building status in a danger report, and seeing as it wasn't in the list of available codes for building danger levels, I assumed that this was a newer code and image. Of course if you're someone used to the wiki and updating building statuses, you would know that the code for this is ransacked. People who are very new to the wiki and editing building statuses will probably have a hard time finding out that such a code exists (as was with my case wherein I always used the ruined code even if the building is just ransacked, with an added comment of: "Building not yet ruined."

tl;dr aside, I propose the addition of this (possibly) little known code into the current list. -- Chirurgien  (talk 09:02, 2 September 2010 (BST)

Missing danger level

Recently, I've frequently come across situations where I had trouble picking the right situation: Zeds have broken in, but there is still a reasonable survivor presence, so the conflict might go both ways. Currently, all danger levels either have barricades up, or building ransacked/ruined. There's no middle ground (except rebuilding, which gives the wrong message in this case). Granted, the middle ground often only lasts for a few hours, but this might make it all the more important to incorporate it in the danger levels, to signal both parties help is needed.

I propose a new danger level: Contested: 'The building is open but intact, zombies and survivors are battling inside for possession of the building.' --Itsacon (Talk | Grungni | Ikhnaton) 09:13, 23 October 2009 (BST)

I agree completely, I just had the same problem. I propose showing a break-in with few zombies. There aren't that many zombies outside, but they are about even to the survivors. Maybe the levels shouldn't go by horde size, but instead a zombie to survivor ratio; as a smaller mall like Lumber for example tends to be less populated. I also think we should show a large break-in. Only having status with cades up isn't really under attack or under siege, having them all in your face is. --Rohndogg1 15:37, 28 November 2009 (UTC)
I concur with this completely; a review of the current building danger level codes available for use in the danger reports would be quite welcome. -- Chirurgien  (talk 09:02, 2 September 2010 (BST)

Single click updates for buildings?

Is it doable? Surely, I'm not alone in being too lazy to make actual updates, but would be more likely to click a single link (especially with the new maps). I'd be happy with just safe, under attack and ruined for the sake of not taking too much space up on the template. --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 23:18, 26 October 2012 (BST)

That would require to automatically create text and add signatures, without doing it manually by editing the page. Unfortunately, this in turn would require such extensions as Boilerplate or Inputbox. Unless someone has a really great idea for a workaround or manages to bribe Kevan, I see no way to get it implemented. -- Spiderzed 23:32, 26 October 2012 (BST)
No snazzy workaround ideas here. Learn PHP and code a bot with a snazzy interface that allows you to run the bot on the fly with button clicks? Thats about the best you can probably hope for. I don't think even those extensions would help. ~Vsig.png 06:27, 27 October 2012 (UTC)
Would something like this work? I use a similar method for my talk pages to preload the headers with a template. Couldn't we then make links and templates for specific danger levels so the updater would only need to save the page? --Klexur 08:03, 27 October 2012 (BST)
I had thought of that but the preload command only adds new wikitext to new or existing sections. It won't delete existing wikitext.
Klex, you're pretty actively writing game scripts. Do you think its feasible to have a greasemonkey script that adds buttons (or links) to the game map that when clicked, instruct a wiki bot to edit the danger report for a specific building? ~Vsig.png 16:55, 27 October 2012 (UTC)
Do you mean a button for the in-game map or a button on the wiki maps? I've already been giving some thought for the latter but the former would probably be easier for the non-wikizens. I'm sure it's doable if there exists some api or php styled interface for the bot. --Klexur 22:51, 27 October 2012 (BST)
The former, though I suppose the latter would be a nice alternative. If its doable, why not put the button/link right on the in-game map and eliminate the need to even switch browser tabs to update danger reports. Though I'm not familiar with bot programming, I know that php is a common code because of the ease of form based php interface. Our wiki has integrated api, I believe. Wikipedia:Creating a bot has more info. I'm actually going to start playing around with AWB. ~Vsig.png 23:15, 27 October 2012 (UTC)
How dare you edit conflict me. =P Code and function wise, this sounds exactly like the UDBrain extension (I had peaked at the code some months back when I updated it to work for dark buildings). It uses Would it then be possible to fork our own UDWiki version that would send the barricade levels and zombie counts here instead? --Klexur 23:32, 27 October 2012 (BST)