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Epilogue: Reunited
Almost a month has passed since the day you went to the Skedhu Uprising headquarters. It does not matter if you were with Doctor Able, who wanted to free his family from Sergeant Arni, or if you were with Sergeant Arni, who initially tasked you with killing Doctor Able and five people with 'Rose' in their names. In the end, you all worked together to find May. Grudges were overcome, and forgiveness prevailed. Even Arni, who used to be uncontrollably hostile, eventually cooperated with you.

You received this letter in the mail today. You unfold it gently and begin to read it. Attached to the letter is a drawing.

May 4, 2014

I feel terrible about calling you a friend, when I have never even asked you for your name. We are forever grateful for everything you have done for us, and apologize that we have never been able to express our gratitude to you. Thanks to you, the hope we thought we once lost has been restored, and it blooms even more beautifully than it ever did.

It has been almost a month, right? So many things have happened within that period of time, especially after Sergeant Arni escorted us out of the Skedhu Uprising headquarters. Knowing that we were a family was a huge shock for all of us at the time, but I cannot imagine life being different from how it is right now. It took a while to explain everything to May, but thanks to Arni's help and corroborated proof, May has mostly accepted Finch and I as her true, biological parents. May has always been comfortable with me, from when we lived together since my mother's death, but she still calls me "Amy-kee" (older sister) and Finny as "Finny-noo" (older brother) from time to time.

When she grows up, she might understand this better than she does now, but I am happy to see that she is much more comfortable with being around Finny than she used to be. I remember when she thought he would harm her, because of her contempt towards Dr. Amelam Sahur, her orthopedic surgeon who happened to be my mother's "latest boytoy" at the time. She only saw Dr. Sahur wearing his surgical mask, much like Finny always wears his. I tell Finny that there's no need for him to hide his face when it's just the two or three of us, but he fears that May might be afraid of his face. We'll give it a little more time.

May has been cleared from the zombie strain that she acquired from Shadowglen back in December, during her stay with Arni. He told us that Darry was the man who tried to take May, and that he intercepted Darry. May knew Arni as her "Papa Danny", and that was the reason why she followed him willingly. She knew that her "Papa" was dead, and was very happy to find that he was well and "alive".

ANDRO MK II, the robot who introduced himself as Darry, was permanently damaged from the time Arni's companion slashed him with a metal cutter, and his parts were sent to a junk shop, for recycling. The Darkside Police Force took over policing operations in the Shadowglen, in lieu of the Shadowglen Police Department, whose only surviving members were Sergeant Arni, and the aforementioned, decommissioned Don Dari. They recovered data from Darry, along with videographic evidence that links Darry to the murder of Sergeant Czervan, the evacuation of the Shadowglen Police Department, the epidemic at the Sildi Memorial Hospital, and the death of the SPD officers who contained the epidemic in the hospital. Darry destroyed CCTV cameras, DVR boxes, and other evidence pointing to himself, except for the records and recordings that he stored himself. Darry had the virus from the Bulbous Vial re-engineered to kill non-Tehbs, in accordance to Dolly's goals. Commandante Rose was his accomplice within the Skedhu Uprising. She "exposed" the Project MAYhem files to incriminate Arni with its contents.

The councilor of Shadowglen recently posited for Sergeant Arni to be deactivated and scrapped, in a similar fashion to Darry. We last saw Arni two weeks ago, masquerading as an unliving woman in a shop in the Underground. When we asked him at the time why he was doing that, he told us that it would be unsafe if we found out, even if we kept it a secret. We never saw him since, and we haven't received any word from him. Everyday after we left the headquarters, he would always ask us how May was faring. Even if Arni was programmed to care for children, as a PAPABOT, it is thanks to Arni that May grew up well. She did not take on my mother's undesirable behavior, but instead, developed eccentricities of her own that are harmless. It makes me wonder why Arni could not control Primrose. Could it be because he adopted Primrose as an eleven year old with a very strongly arrogant and combative personality?

In the end, I find myself unable to blame Arni completely for everything he did to Finch and I. Dolly was just using him as her instrument, after all. I am glad that Arni's exposure and interactions with those of us who are sapient have instilled in him a greater sense of duty and leaning towards the revelation of the truth. We received word that Darry spent more time learning from Dolly than Arni did, as Arni attempted to resist her interaction to the best of his highly limited "deviation from specification".

Finny and I got married last week in a civil ceremony, presided a judge. Without my mother intervening or threatening to kill either of us, I am relieved that we are finally and freely recognized by the law as married. Although only a formality to the ten years we have spent together, and three years living in the same house as common law spouses, I feel as though a weight was lifted off my chest.

He always told me that he wanted to marry me formally, regardless the ceremony. We would have invited you, but due to the rush and the inclement weather, we were unable to prepare for anything more than the basic. We had to rush this, as we are about to file for May's legitimation. We still have to figure out matters such as rectifying her birth and death certificates, but I am sure we will be able to settle those, eventually. We asked May if she wanted to keep her name, or if she wanted to be called Tori, as we originally intended, and she told us that she did not mind being either May or Tori. Or both.

Our family has been reunited, thanks to you.

Only time will tell what the future has for me, but nothing can take our happiness away from us right now.

Very truly yours, Amy Mari Able