User:Bob Moncrief/Message
Asking for DangerReport assistance! You may have noticed I have been filling in numerous DangerReports across the city, and the DangerCenter indicates the survey is almost complete! However, because I do not want to bring my alts too close to one another, there are several "blank" suburbs I can't survey. If you'll be in the Northwest in the next few weeks, particularly:
Brooke Hills, Dunell Hills, East Boundwood (thanks Stelar!), Judgewood (thanks Evelyn!), Ketchelbank, Peddlesden Village, Roywood, West Boundwood, or northern Gatcombeton (thanks Levi Romero!) can help me out by filling in any DangerReports you can. If you have any questions, definitely contact me via my talk page, or the thread on this topic at NecroConnect. Thanks so much! Bob Moncrief EBD•W!