The Ridleybank Resistance Front (RRF) is the oldest, most famous and most feared of all the major hordes in Malton. A merciless but fun zombie force created by the legendary Petrosjko to protect the sacred zombie homeland of Ridleybank and spread terror throughout the surrounding suburbs.
And we want YOU!
We don't care if you're a maxed out killer or the newest babah zambah, the RRF will accept any and all who are willing to commit their strength to help protect the Homeland from breather infestation. We have a group for every playstyle.
The main horde hosts casual zambahz who attack as and when they can.
For zambahz who can commit to a set strike time (19:30 US Eastern, 00:30 UK), there is the ruthless police force of Ridleybank, the Constables.
And finally, for those who have the skills, there is the elite necro-terrorist wing of the horde, the Gore Corps.
To join Malton's greatest horde PM Lord Moloch, or find us on our Discord, where we run our strikes and plot the inevitable downfall of humanity/make depraved jokes/host brain-tasting events.
So, join the Ridleybank Resistance Front and make Malton a scarier place for all.
Last updated 16:40, 13 July 2019 (UTC)