Radio Malton

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Radio Malton
Abbreviation: Radio Malton
Group Numbers: Restricted
Leadership: None
Goals: To broadcast valuable news, every weekday around 12pm GMT on 26.43 MHz and 27.55 MHz
Recruitment Policy: Contact us on NecroConnect
Contact: 28.00 MHz (or 27.55 MHz / 26.43 MHz)

Radio Malton is an independent, unbiased radio station, broadcasting every weekday from a mobile, undisclosed location.

We currently broadcast our daily news on two frequencies: on 27.55 MHz and 26.43 MHz.

Tinyurl for this page:


  • 27.55 MHz: Main Frequency. Guaranteed broadcasts every weekday.
  • 26.43 MHz: Secondary Frequency. Identical broadcasts to the Main Frequency.
  • 28.00 MHz: Radio Malton Helpdesk. Can I help you?

Broadcasting Schedule

  • Malton Monday - Reports on the current state of Malton.
  • Tranquility Tuesday - No broadcast.
  • Landmark Wednesday - Landmark reports (Malls, Mansions, Forts, etc.)
  • Throwback Thursday - Third Thursday of the month only. We highlight a certain event from Malton's rich history.
  • Faction Friday - Reports on active groups,, etc.
  • Silent Saturday - No broadcast.
  • Sleepy Sunday - No broadcast.

Note: We only use two frequencies to increase the amount of people we reach. Information on both channels will be all but identical. The above schedule is a guideline for the Radio Malton personnel. Broadcasts may differ from the schedule as advertised above. It is advised you deal with it.


We currently have one sponsor: NecroConnect. We consider them to be a permanent sponsor, since they are so kind to host a separate thread for us to communicate on.

If you or your group would like to be featured on Radio Malton, feel free to contact us via the thread mentioned above or our Talk Page!

If you would like you, your group or a certain project to be advertised during one of our broadcasts, let us know via the same way!


  • All advertisements need to conform to the Broadcasting Policies mentioned below.
  • All advertisements need to be submitted by a leading member of the group they wish to advertise.
  • We may ask for payment in the form of spraypaint tags promoting Radio Malton.
    • Pre-emptive spraypainting said tags does not constitute a guarantee that we will broadcast your ad, please get into contact with us first.

Opting out

  • We understand that certain groups or people may not wish to be part of our broadcasts. If you wish to opt out, please contact us with the reason for you choosing to and we will take a closer look at it. If we deem it a reasonable request, we will no longer mention your group for 30 days, after which a new request needs to be filed. We will contact you if and when the set time limit is almost up.
    • Extenuating circumstances may allow for a different time limit to be applied.

Broadcasting Archive

September 2016 - Our very first broadcasts are recorded here, where we look for a decent format and broadcasting schedule.

October 2016

November 2016

December 2016

January 2017

February 2017 — Radio Malton moves out of its old location in Dulston to a new broadcast center.

March 2017

October 2024

Broadcasting Policies

  • We provide un-biased information on zombies, PKers, Bounty Hunters and survivors alike.
  • We believe in the freedom of speech, both in person and on air.
  • We believe said freedom of speech should only be limited when the results damage the overall game experience as detailed below.
  • We never expose precise locations without permission of that group.
    • In the rare cases where we do specify a precise location, it will either be a historical event or heavily outdated information.
  • We oppose all actions that damage the overall game experience for any and all players, including but not limited to:
    • Zerging
    • Text raping
    • Broadcasting derogatory messages
    • Broadcasting hateful messages
    • Censorship