User:Jacob Ramirez

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Revision as of 19:22, 1 July 2007 by Jacob Ramirez (talk | contribs) (→‎The Character)
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Here you have an in-depth look of who the character Jacob Ramirez is (Personality, a little history, etc.), who he is played by, and some other random information that may or may not be useful to you.

The Player

This character is played by Fallie the Smutho. No, it's not his real name. e e. I'd tell you my actual name but I'd have to kill you after hearing played-out jokes. I have ALOT of time to kill during the school year and even during the summer so I picked up playing Urban Dead after a friend refered me. And it's kind of dorky, but I enjoy thinking up in-depth characters for things like this. I mean, I have like three character for this game already and I'm thinking about what colleges they went to, how they grew up, if they had any siblings, friends, etc. Now I don't feel like writing out this long story about my life, so you kind folk get a couple bullets about what my likes and dislikes are:


  • Is a MAN.
  • Enjoys roleplaying
  • Thinks your dad is very sexy.
  • Is a complete homosexticle
  • Doesn't like discrimination of any kind.
  • Likes the color "lime green"
  • Uses & Abuses the term "STFU".
  • Enjoys playing Horror games.
  • Is a Silent Hill fetishist.
  • Likes Zombie Related Games too.
  • Is currently in high school.
  • Has a few siblings.
  • Has high blood pressure
  • Spends a large quantity of his time on the computer.

The Character


n a m e Jacob Carlito Ramirez

a g e 25

g e n d e r Obviously Male

h e i g h t 6' 1"

w e i g h t 185 lbs.

h a i r Dark Brown // Uneven. Shaggy. Comes down to his ears.

e y e s Blue

Player's Comments

Supports, Beliefs & Stances

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy.
Policebadge.jpg Cop
This user is a Cop and is probably off shooting a zombie.