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Revision as of 02:03, 18 August 2007 by Kakinozoku (talk | contribs)
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... Now what's this thing in my ear? Must be a... maybe I should figure this out.

Slowly his eyes opened, full black eyes, almost as shining as they were dull, only to look at a torso of mottled gray moldy looking soft flesh. As the long moist thing was removing itself from his ear,he watched it move in front of the body in somewhat confusion. Then he acted.

Punching the body straight where its pancreas area would be, he managed to slip out from under the fairly fresh zombie, and happened to find a standard issue rifle with but one round left in it. taking a chance, he sighted straight and true, a perfect headshot.

He now bases himself off of the Saint Elizabeth's hospital in Lukinswood, healing when needed, and shooting when available. The SIR, his weapon of choice, now lies in a hip holster close to reach, along with his bassoon, which he prefers for hand-to-hand combat. No one messes with this insane kid. Not a one. He sports hospital-like clothing, even though his outfit is much too short for him. A patch he always has on reads, "Happy Sunny Day"