Church of Khorne

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Church of Khorne
Abbreviation: Khorne
Group Numbers: Unknown
Leadership: Unknown
Goals: Collect skulls for our master.
Recruitment Policy: Ritual
Contact: In game.

"Khorne requires blood! He cares not from whence it flows!"


Khorne is one of the four major Chaos gods. Like his brother gods, Khorne grew from a single survivalist emotion: in his case, the emotion was rage. Khorne is the Chaos god of hate, war, violence and killing; for this reason he bears sobriquets such as Blood God and Lord of Skulls.

Khorne is a spartan god of war who acts outwardly by seeking the death of others, preferring close combat over ranged weaponry; as such, he is completely opposed to the hedonistic Slaanesh, an inwardly acting god who seeks pleasure in every act and experience. He has a strong distrust of wizards and sorcerers, whom he sees as cowards; this means he is also highly suspicious of Tzeentch, although they are not archenemies.

He is described as an extremely well-muscled, beast-headed monster sitting on a brass throne atop a mountain of skulls in the middle of a sea of blood. The skulls are described as belonging to both his victims and his worshippers alike, as Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows. Due to the immense amount of violence and killing occurring throughout the universe, Khorne is the strongest of the Chaos gods. The correct adjective to indicate individuals and events related to this God is "Khornate".

Group Goals

The Church of Khorne's main goal is slaughter. It's members almost constantly seek out places where the fighting is thickest, wading in with a reckless bloodlust, killing everything in sight until they are killed themselves.

The Khornate Cultist

As the god of martial pride, honour, and a warrior's love for battle... as well as mindless rage and slaughter, Khorne's mortal followers are nearly uncontrollable warriors of exceptional martial skill. Khorne's followers share their god's straightforward philosophy on combat, preferring to run directly at their foes in order to engage and defeat them in hand to hand combat.


Khornate cultists are generally crazy looking, covered in blood and trophies from their favorite kills. The colours associated with him are red, brass and black, and these colours feature prominently in his demonic hordes and are usually adopted by his followers.


The Khornate cultist has no mannerisms. When he speaks the only words that come out are bloody oaths and battle cries. In his most lucid moments (between bloodbaths) he will try and spread the word of his lord to anyone around him. The answers to his sermons will almost always spur him on to another rage.


The initiation ritual of the Church of Khorne is kept a secret, although it no doubt involves blood and death.

Famous Khornate Battle Cries

"Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne!" "Khorne requires blood! He cares not from whence it flows!" "KILL! MAIM! BURN! KILL! MAIM! BURN! KILL! MAIM! BURN!"