The Last Legion

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The Last Legion
Abbreviation The Last Legion
Group Numbers Always Growing
Leadership Sirius Wounds, Lupus Mortuus
Goals Helping The Citizens of Old and New Arkham
Recruitment Policy Post a message on our Forums about joining
Contact Join Thread or by Private Message on Forums


By now, if you haven't heard of the "crisis" afflicting a city on the eastern side of the United Kingdom, Malton, you probably won't. Why? The British Government has decided that there is no crisis and that the city and it's inhabitants have experienced an ecological disaster, but that it is well in hand and clean up efforts have already begun. Essentially, "there is nothing of interest to see here" is the message the BBC continues to peddle to it's audience. Well, there is something going on in Malton City...something terrible. A lethal, flesh destroying virus was unwittingly (or purposefully, should you believe the conspiracy theorists) unleashed upon the unsuspecting citizens of this once quiet city, killing all who came in contact with it. But, the loss of life was not the only, things would get much, much worse. The city's mounting dead began to somehow reanimate and walk the streets prowling for human flesh and brains to fuel their unearthly blood lust. No longer fearing the grave, these mindless creatures began to stalk the unlucky who hadn't died or found their way out of the city before an official quarantine. Those who survive have become prisoners in a no man's land of violence, unholy terror and anarchy...a true Hell on Earth. Throughout the city, some have begun to band together with their neighbors or like-minded individuals to do what they can to survive and combat the hordes of flesh eaters. With escape impossible, it has become their only choice. A group of people from two of the once bustling cities' outer suburbs, Old and New Arkham, have come together to protect their home. They have seen the violence...the retribution, looting and murder. They have seen the living dead stalk the streets and have decided that here is where they draw their line in the sand. They may die, but they will die like warriors. They come from all walks of life...all professions, all ages. They are not battle hardened soldiers or commandos. They are simply human beings who want to live, and will do what is necessary to make sure that continues.


Group Goals

The goals of The Last Legion are the protection and revitalization of the suburbs of Old and New Arkham. Each member of TLA is dedicated to defending the streets and buildings of these two communities with everything at their disposal, including and up to their lives. Each legionnaire is committed to helping their fellow man by providing protection, barricading assistance to keep the zombie menace at bay, healing, reviving, repair of buildings and any other service seen as pro-survivor. We must make our stand and find a way out of this crucible of torment, and together is the only way to achieve that. If you find yourself in Old or New Arkham and need assistance, find a legionnaire and they will assist you immediately. Until the day we can walk out the gates of this city, or the dead stay deceased, we shall patrol this area and help you, the stranger in need.


Group Structure

Essentially, The Last Legion is a volunteer group of survivors coming together to utilize their skills to defend the suburbs of Old and New Arkham. There is no real rank structure or hierarchy, however we do utilize leaders inside the group as well as organized missions to achieve well thought out objectives. One of the major advantages humans have over the walking dead is the power to think, rationalize and band together. These are assets that cannot go unused. When a survivor wants to join The Last Legion, he is granted total access to everything everyone else knows. We work upon a code of honor amongst our own, and would hope you have no intention of wanting to see the human race vanish from this once proud city. If you do, then this is probably not the group for you. The Last Legion is led by two characters, Dr. Abbott Lott (a.k.a. Sirius Wounds) and Lupus Mortuus, each a seasoned veteran of the UD gaming experience.



Should you be reading this and saying to yourself "Hey, this sounds great, how do I join?" then we are happy to assist you. Please follow this link [1] to our personal forums and either sign up in the new recruits area, or simply private message either Andrew, Sirius Wounds, Rob or Lupus Mortuus. One of us will get back to you in a short period of time and get you acclimated to your new surroundings. We welcome ALL CLASSES and ALL LEVELS because no matter who you are in game, you have something to bring to the table that is useful to the group.

Our Stance on Player Killing

The Last Legion realizes player killing is a natural part of the game. In a city plunged into darkness and chaos, it is only human nature for some individuals to seek their existence outside the law. That is fine with us...all we ask is that you do not practice your craft in Old or New Arkham. This is relatively simple as it leaves the enormity of the city for you to choose from, saving only two suburbs from seeing this activity. Player Killers who do choose to practice their craft inside the boundaries of Old and New Arkham will be dealt with accordingly.

Our Stance on Zerging

See Official Game Rules for Urban Dead.

Allied Organizations

The Last Legion, being in as much of the rabble as the rest of you lot, recognize no other organizations as having any merit or claim to authority as the next person or group. However, that being said, we are always welcome to offers of peace and mutual assistance, especially if these offers benefit the good citizens that inhabit Old and New Arkham.