User:Shamus Oakshod

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Revision as of 23:29, 29 November 2006 by Shamus Oakshod (talk | contribs)
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Shamus Oakshod, Fighter of the Woad

Shamus Oakshod is an irish ex-commando (he was kicked out of the army for not wearing green on St Patrick's day) who used to live in southern ireland. He was sight-seeing Malton, specifically, one of it's hospitals (a rushing member of a news-crew smashed a mircophone into his nose), when he he noticed, along with everbody else in the waiting room (except the guy with a pair of silly glasses stuck on), that the guy Shamus was sitting next to was about to have the top of his head removed by pasty-faced man with a label tied around his toe. Thinking quickly (three seconds, no more!) he smashed the ice-pack he held into the face of mr. pasty, who unbalanced himself and fell over, fumbling.

Unsurprisingly, panic ensued, as well as a lot of screaming as more pale-skinned people lumbered into the waiting room from a corridor. The two security guards issued a warning to the zombies, unaware that the sounds they made made no impression on their dead ears, and before guard #1 could draw his weapon, he was engulfed in a wave of undead. The other guard, not wasting another moment, fired his hand-gun into the mob.

With his ice-pack still in hand, Shamus ran out the doors and into the parking-lot, where he got into his subaru rental and tried to start the engine. As he turned the key in the ignition, he saw more of the creatures shamble out from hospital. Although slow and seemingly unitelligent, it appeared they possessed a pack-like cunning, as they cornered pockets of scared, confused civilians. His engine roared into life, and, since it didn't seem that these guys were of the friendly persuasion, he didn't hesitate to run a few over as he drove out of the lot.

Driving like a maniac, and stopping only for red traffic lights, Shamus raced across the city, avoiding other vehicles and matrix-styled motorcylcists. These "things" were everywhere, attacking anybody they could get their claws on, and while he was waiting for a light to turn green a group of people bang on the door of his car, shouting at him to unlock the doors and let them in. Making the hard decision, he did.

The car now packed, Shamus headed for the motel where he was staying at. He had come to Malton with some friends, and hopefully they might still be planning what sights to see in their rooms. One of the five guys in the back was just telling Shamus to drive to his appartment so that he could check on his girlfriend, when a large military van drove straight into the path of the subaru. Despite the braking and swirving, they collided.

Concussed, dazed, but otherwise unscathed, Shamus slowly unbuckeled his seatbelt and opened the rental's door. He clambered out and wandered outside the car, and then felt something scrape against his boot. Vision blurred, picked up the object to get a closer look: It was a pistol, with a spare clip attached to it by a rubberband. It must've been thrown from the van.

Painfully, he tried to focus: Glancing in his car he saw nobody moving, but from the back of the military van soliders were jumping onto the road and rushing to a nearby warehouse, where they had already begun to board up the doors and windows. All around Shamus heard the uneathly groans of hunger. Relizing he couldn't stay out here, he ran down the street, looking for a building, and house, to hold up in...

You know the rest.


The Deakin Alley Gang

---Since the outbreak Shamus Oakshod has tried to help all survivors in anyway he can, mainly through strength of arms, and a bit of first aid along the way. While he was holding up in a PD in Nixbank, the assembled survivors there began talks of creating a group. This group would protect Nixbank and it's residents in a helpful way, but do it without the confines of leadership. The group became known as the Deakin Alley Gang, named after the Police Dept. they were formed in.

As one of the very first members, Shamus knows just about the whole history of the Gang. About a month or two after the group was assembled the suburb became very heavily infested, and unfortunately he got himself killed and couldn't get revived. So he spent some time being a zombie, attacking other Z's along the way. Eventually he has revived, but it took a while; He had to cross five suburbs. When he arrived back home he found that the group had been severly scattered, and after making an effort to get things back together, went AWOL for the next few months.

Now he's back to help revive the Gang back to health. Already, thanks to the outstanding efforts of graman and Zebhu Varkon the Deakin Alley Police Dept, which had been infested, has now been reclaimed and St Daniel's Hospital is now in a defensable position. After he's sure that things will be going smoothly, he hopes to find some of the original members and persuade them to return, or possibly recruit some more members. He knows that they will clean out Nixbank, and when that happens... well, we'll see.


As of 29/11/06 Shamus has left the safety of the buildings and people around him and has disappeared somewhere into the city. No-one knows where he went, but it was evident he doesn't want to be found. AWOL until further notice.