User talk:Vapor/sandbox/halloween/Red October

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Revision as of 04:21, 31 August 2010 by Vapor (talk | contribs) (event details)
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Event Rules

Ok so there's a few rules you should familiarize yourself with. Please abide by the rules or your team may be deducted points or you may miss your opportunity to score.

Sign Up

Sign up for the event will be open until October 15th. October Bash will not provide an area for teams to communicate, so if you wish to coordinate with your teammates, it's advised that representatives of the teams start before then.

There are two areas below for the respective teams that you will be able to add you name to. When adding your name to a team roster, please indicate your Urban Dead prodile ID so that you can be distinguished by other players in-game. Zerging won't be tolerated. If you're caught zerging, you and your team will face penalties. Please remember to also sign your post when placing your name on a roster.

Playing field

The playing field for the event will encompass 2 city suburbs (10x20 city blocks). The location of the playing field will be kept secret until one week prior to the event so that everyone has the same amount of time to prepare. I will say that the event will happen somewhere close to the last location of the Oktoberfest Pub Crawl, so you may want to meet up with the Pub Crawl at some point (preferably at its start).

Once the event has begun, no one may be allowed to leave the playing field. If you leave and are caught, your team may be deducted points or you may be disqualified. The perimeter of the playing field will be monitored by the reeves so don't take the risk. Just don't do it.

Event Timeframe

The event will run from October 25th until November 7th, however there will be roughly one week preparation time starting on October 16th. Attacks or kills on opposing team players during the preparation time will result in point deduction.

Reporting Kills

After killing an opponent, it is vital that you document the kill in some way. Only kills while in survivor form will count so please don't post kills as a zombie.

Accepted forms of documentation are iWitness reports and screenshots. iWitness is the preferred method of documenting kills. If using a screenshot, you must capture your entire screen, including the browser bars, and your OS toolbar. Do not crop the screenshot whatsoever.

There is an area below where you can post your documentation. Please use only that area to post your kills. Please also upload kills within a timely fashion. We'd like to keep a running total of confirmed kills on the main page. When posting screenshots, please refrain from posting the image itself. Post a link to the image instead.

So that it is easier for us to keep track of points, use the following format when posting:

Team Name - Documentation Link - Timestamp


Teams will be awarded 1 point for each kill on an opposing team player.


You will be able to request a revive from one of the games reeves. Revive points will be set up at various places around the playing field. You don't have to use the reeves for revives if you don't want but we will help you get back into the game if you wish to utilize it. If requesting a revive, please use the space below labels Revive Requests. If a reeve or a comrade revives a player on the revive request queue, please indicate that you have done so below the request on this page. Reeves will only revive players, they will not heal them.

Unbalanced Teams

When signing up, please try to keep team numbers as balanced as possible. In the event of largely unbalanced teams, you may be asked to volunteer to go to the other team. If there are no volunteers, teams may be re-balanced to make the event more enjoyable for all. Player levels will not be considered when calculating the balance, only the number of players per team.

Red Army Sign-up

If you wish to join the Red Army, add your name and profile ID to the roster below.

White Army Sign-up

If you wish to join the White Army add your name and profile ID to the Red Army roster below.

Reeve Sign-up

If you wish to be a reeve, and can help with revives and monitoring of areas outside the playing field, please add your name and profile ID to the roster below. Reeves may also be asked to settle disputes on kill documentation should any arise.

Kill Reports

Add links to kill reports below. Remember to sign you post.

Revive Requests

Post revive requests below.

General Discussion

Please use this area or start a new topic at the bottome of the page for general discussion of the event.