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Policies I support

Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This user supports the
Dual Nature Policy.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!

Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Swithun.PNG Religious Respect Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Religious Respect Policy
Church.png Rescue
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
ShootTheMedic.png Anti-Combat Reviver
This user dislikes the strategy known as 'Combat Revival'.

Get to know me

Some basic info that I feel comfy giving out. I play Urban Dead, PS3, and a slew of other games. I have one daughter and one son. They got my full attention, and they will take precident over a game any day. Want to know anything else? Leave me a message and if I feel comfortable answering it I'll answer it. I cuss like a sailor who just lost two toes and a hand. I will control my language though for the sake of the wiki and general politeness. All I have to say though to add to that is this: Get me angry enough, and the gates will open.

My Alter Egos

Mark Smith Junior - Currently Active and my main account. Active as of 5/28/2014