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Revision as of 10:13, 26 August 2006 by Thari (talk | contribs)
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Under this policy, every moderator (aside from Kevan) would be subjected to public review of their current standing as a Moderator and their work so far.

   * This would be initiated by any given wiki user via a new special Moderation page, Moderation/Evaluation. 
   * There would be a 60 day period between evaluations, preventing people from filing them whenever they feel slighted. 

Evaluations would last a period of 2 weeks. In this time, anyone can make remarks For or Against the moderator being evaluated. Contributions to the wiki would obviously help, while drama involvement (or worse yet, instigation) would work against them.

   * A vote would take place all the while. A Moderator who fails to secure a majority of "For" votes would be removed from Moderator status, but free to resubmit their application. 
   * A Moderator who secures a majority of "For" votes would need not do anything, and would not be available for evaluation again for 2 months. 

The goal of this policy is to weed out inactive and underactive moderators who are not helping the community, as well as cutting out the worst offenders that no longer have support within the community.

The role of Moderator is not a lifetime job, but there is currently absolutely no recourse should a moderator quit the Wiki entirely or begin deleting pages whenever they wish. In the latter case, warnings and bans would be issued but the moderator would be allowed to keep his or her status.

Currently only Kevan or a Perminent Ban can hold a moderator accountable to the extent that his or her position is in jeopardy.

Good moderators should have no worry. They will easily pass every evaluation with flying colors.

Bad moderators should be worried. They will no doubt vote to kill this policy post haste.

If you support the current Moderators, you may wish to vote FOR this despite your immediate reaction. Wouldn't you like to keep the good Moderators clear of the drama caused by others?

Wouldn't you like to make it so that a moderator can't be promoted and keep his position when he leaves the wiki?

In closing, strict anti-drama and anti-flaming guidelines would be needed.

   * There should be a space for the initial evaluation report wherein the reporting party states WHY they are calling for this evaluation. 
   * There should be a space for response from the Moderator. 
   * There should be a space for further comment from other users, each making their own statement without excessive replying to others. 
   * There should be a space for voting FOR or AGAINST the user's continued Mod status. 

To all who are skeptical, I offer this. What harm could it do? None to an active moderator doing what's best for the wiki.

That is all.