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Revision as of 02:03, 29 March 2008 by Untitlednine (talk | contribs) (→‎Character Bio)
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Untitlednine used to call house in Spracklingbank her home. Now, she calls Millett Walk Fire Station her home. And honestly, when she thinks about it, Millett Walk Fire Station is a better home than her old one, pre-outbreak.

Character Bio

Name: Jackie

Age: She appears to be late twenties, or early thirties. But who knows, the outbreak took a lot out of all of us.

Appearance: She has short hair, which appears roughly cut, as if its regularly hacked at by scissors. She seems to have some remnants of beauty, but her most striking feature is her eyes. They seem to hold a sort of fierce loyalty, but all the same, a certain amount of anger.

She seems to be a mixture of underweight, and well-toned. It appears the infestation has taken her health.

She wears a gas mask, smeared with blood, that is slung around her neck, along with an ankh. Her shirt is short-sleeved, and appears to be originally white, although blood has almost artfully been splattered all over it. To cope with the cold, she is wearing both a black jacket, and a tan trench coat. She wears, black shorts, and black leather boots.

Level: 22

Group: Millett Walk Fire Department

Status: Alive again, and happily killing zeds.

Zeds Kills Since March: /////


Untitlednine doesn't talk much about her past. Occasionally, she might say something like 'Back when I served', but that doesn't really clear anything up. All that really is known for sure is that she was married at one point, at least until her husband tried to bite a chunk out of her leg.



Home, at last. Like the day before yesterday. Now keeping a kill count. One today. Almost a second - got them down to 5 freaking HP.


Alright, Updates....

At Dowdney Mall, i was PKed by one Fireman J - [1] Asshole. So, of coure, I was all Zed again. Headed down to oplanskia road, got killed twice there, and just got revived. Currently, I'm hiding out without MWFD, and without AP, so for obvious reasons, not disclosing where. I'll be moving to another place soon, hopefully with MWFD.


Currently at Dowdney Mall, getting much needed supplies. Should be back in the bank by tomorrow.


Revived. Now hanging out in the wardropper arms. Waiting for AP to claim MWFD back.


I'm a zed again. Jesus Christ. Not seeking a revive or anything until I hear news on what the rest of MWFD are doing.


I'm alive! Back home, at MWFD, and very happy. Elizabeth Bickell is yet to get revived however.


Killed three Zed's so far as a Zed.

Seeking a Revive from Oplankispka road, or however you spell it.


Still fighting as a Zed. Killed two Zeds so far. Totally helping the effort, eh?

Apparantely, the 'banks gone from being one of the safest suburbs, to one of the most dangerous.


Revive's taking too long, so I'm joing the MWFD in the Zed vs Zed fight.

Missing the good old family home.


Back at MWFS. Killed a Zed inside St. Clares Church,(from 50HP) and dumped the body outside.


Reached Dowdney mall. Killed one Zed outside Millett Walk Fire Station, down from 11HP thanks to Afro Fireman.