Raccoon City Survivors

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Raccoon City Survivors
RCS Banner.JPG
Abbreviation: RCS
Group Numbers: Approx. 16
Leadership: Kyle , Kendall , Charisma , Broden , Tom , Lillian
Goals: Safety, Survival, Shenanigans
Recruitment Policy: Ask
Contact: Find Us - Forum
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 26.48 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Classified

About Us

Established on September 29th, 2006, the Raccoon City Survivors are made up of the last remnants of the surviving citizens of Raccoon City. That part should be obvious. They escaped one nightmare, only to enter another, this time in Malton. The RCS are a small group, currently numbering in the tens of ones. However, what they lack in numbers, they make up for in luck and skill......except without the skill....or the luck.

Our membership rules are simple. If you've lived in Raccoon City (played any of the RE games), you're welcome here. We only ask that you not try to kill any of us, or destroy our generator or radio. I mean, I can understand if you're Amish, but it's just not polite. We wouldn't go around destroying your horse-drawn carriages, would we?

Our humble little home is based in Ruddlebank. Can't tell you exactly where, but if you come on by, we'd love to have you in for a drink.

Members List

A list of all the enlisted members of the RCS who don't have a problem putting their profiles up for the world to see. There isn't a set rank system (yet), so just make something up if you want to put yourself on here. Just don't go with Emperor, or God, or whatever. Who made this page? That's right, Kyle did. Yay me.

Username Rank
Kyle Ryback President
Broden Sharpe Major General
Levelguy Necrotech Assist
Jerbaka Member
tutis Combat Medic
Saria231 Doorkeeper
johny law battle priest
XterrorX S.T.A.R.S. Team
G-O Lead Scientist

RCS axe2.jpg

Code of Conduct

If you're part of our team, you follow our code. If you don't, then you're not. See how that works? If you want to know what we represent, look no further. Well, look a little further, or you won't actually learn anything.

We don't kill other survivors, unless they attack us first, or they use our base as a hotel, and we have no other choice. We don't attack generators, and we don't destroy barricades, unless we're keeping a barricade level, and even then we try to leave it around Very Strongly. We don't kill anything, living or dead, in Cemetaries, as we are SGP supporters (see below). Other than that, we're pretty simple. If you're a zombie, we'll shoot you if we find you. Nothing personal.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Allied Groups

  • ATC - Seirra: What does ATC stand for, anyway?
On behalf of ATC I am informing you that any members of your group that got assaulted may post the PKer the report onSeirra's Operation: Head Hunt --Severance hope 16:55, 23 October 2006 (BST)
Shake.jpg Umbrella Corporation Ally
This User or Group is a member of the Umbrella Corporation Alliance.


Greentwelve PKed Kendall 24/10/06
PKed Hozgoth 03/11/06
A Broken Man PKed wwechamp 27/10/06
Bigman2781 GKed 15/11/06
Xaldin Mono Broadcasting anti-RCS propaganda 22/11/06
Harry the Bastard GKed 27/11/06
axe slinger PKed Jack Stormrider 27/12/06
hotrash PKed Soccerfan666 11/02/07
PKed Jack Stormrider 11/02/07
PKed Lt. Raptor 13/02/07
I2equ1em RPK'ed 12/02/07
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)

Recent News

Archived news can be found here.

December 17, '07

much has not happened since the RCS have left. felt nostalgic, so here I am. ---Ayumi 02:56, 18 December 2007 (UTC)


March 2nd, 2007 - Things are going pretty bad. Ruddlebank fell to zeds and RCS are scattered around, some alive, some not.


February 23rd, 2007 - The RCS HQ has been invaded by zombies! We're trying to clear it out...


January 31st, 2007: An RCS template was created to celebrate the fact that we're around for 4 months now.

January 18th, 2007: One member has left, 2 others have joined. We've also set up a temporary field HQ somewhere in Spicer Hills for training purposes.

January 8th, 2007: It's rather quiet in Ruddlebank. Only fact worth mentioning is the forging of an alliance with the Urban Protection Agency.

RCS Template

RCS axe2.jpg Raccoon City survivor
This user has visited Raccoon City and all he got was a bloody axe.